CTC Program Building

VISTA Name: 
Marcia Hume
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Goal 1: To reorganize our existing CTC into a community information and networking center to benefit neighborhood residents and resource people.

Goal 2: To increase volunteer and program capacity to provide after-school and weekend assistance to students, adults, and organizations seeking training, information technology access, homework help, and job seeking assistance.

Goal 3: To expand the capacity of the Parsells CTC to serve adults and children with varied disabilities, the CTC will increase its resources to adapt the lab to a wide range of learners and users.

Goal 4: Each VISTA worker will work to increase creative educational alternatives for persons with different learning styles, preferences, and needs by offering digital storytelling, photo editing, website development, and other options accessible for all children, youth, and adults who use the computer CTC.

Project Outcome: 

Marcia worked during the year to reorganize the task force/coordinating board of the Parsells and Denver Computer Technology Center. She also coordinated with the Academy for Career Development, which provided computer software, support, and long-distance learning classes for neighborhood adults in basic computer skills. Marcia took several classes herself through the Academy to upgrade her skills and improve her ability to find volunteers for the center. Marcia worked throughout the year with neighborhood groups developing a website based on the needs of these groups, preparing a listserv for the community group, and working to improve communication among various committees and services in the community. Marcia attended meetings of the Youth/Adult Partnership grant, a capacity-building youth-serving grant from NY State, which worked to bring neighborhood groups together and work on youth-chosen activities. Marcia recruited, trained, scheduled, monitored, and evaluated volunteers for the CTC lab. Marcia worked with church members and other volunteers to maintain and expand outreach services to neighborhood youth and adults. Marcia worked on One Voice/One Vision.

Marcia worked with the local neighborhood organization, the Beechwood Organization, to set up a website and improve communication between individuals in the organization and members of the community. She sought input from various parts of the neighborhood and communicated effectively with the web designer and the president of the organization. She was always positive and friendly to the youth who attended the CTC lab. She was also encouraging to volunteers and supporters.

Transmission Project