CyberY Outreach and Program Building

Egleston YMCA CyberY
VISTA Name: 
Michelle Rogers
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Michelle’s main goals since joining the YMCA have been to work both with the YMCA programs and the wider community to increase the visibility and programming of the CyberY. She has not only created some resources, but has also placed a priority on using resources that already exist, so as to not recreate the wheel.

Project Outcome: 

• Michelle helped to increase the time MCA/School aged childcare program (SACC) is doing educational activities in the lab, particularly around a lesson plan for the after school on how to create their own newsletter using the creativity and technology in the Cyber Y.

• Michelle has completed a three-week introduction to computers course that had five participants.

• During her first month, Michelle helped to write a grant to partner with the Ecumenical Social Action Council to do a graphics training project with youth. It is hoped that two out of the 12 youth will take a leadership role to make this project happen next year.

• Michelle has been working closely with other tax sites, staff, and the CyberY Developer to make this a successful project.

• Weight Watchers—met with the program to discuss how they could use the CyberY.

• Timothy Smith Network—working to secure and implement the Kinetic City program.

Transmission Project