Web Projects Coordinator

VISTA Name: 
Karl Otto
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The mission of Grassroots.org is to serve as a catalyst for positive social change by leveraging modern technologies and business best practices. Grassroots.org spreads important social information via our network of socially-focused web sites, while also providing non-profit organizations with free valuable resources to increase their efficiency and productivity.

Working in cooperation with the Grassroots.org Director of Programs and IT Architect, the Web Projects Coordinator will:

-Build a comprehensive resource directory to support
applications embedded in the Grassroots.org Toolbox. The resource directory will ensure that applications are fully supported & documented, saving staff time while helping smaller and less-tech savvy nonprofits make use of the Toolbox.

-Strengthen the capacity of Grassroots.org Toolbox’s Drupal Installations to serve the needs of member nonprofits.

Project Outcome: 

Karl began his year by undertaking research to add to his own and the organization’s web development knowledge. Within the first two weeks, he learned HTML, CSS, and a smattering of Drupal.

He contributed to a 15 page report on Net Nanny software before beginning work on his first website project: a redesign for the NYC-based nonprofit Concrete Safaris.

He helped reorganize the CMS (Content Management System) for our main site. Shortly thereafter, Karl picked up the regular responsibility of providing client intake for our programs and developing content for our new website.

The departure of Karl’s supervisor in October called for the restructuration of his duties. As a result, Karl has begun playing the role of the bug-fixer for the new website, which has given him victories such as modifying his first PHP doc to quandaries such as being expected to modify an RSS feed in that same doc. Karl also started working from home.

Karl was supposed to speak at a conference in Ocean City, MD about free and low-cost tools for nonprofits, but due to inclement weather in Chicago, he was unable to make his flight. In March, Karl attended the NTEN conference in New Orleans.

Overall, Karl availed himself of the Digital Arts Service Corps network by getting help finding resources regarding website accessibility and learning Javascript. With his help, we will be able to make our website available users with disabilities.

Transmission Project