
Computers, Freedom and Privacy

June 15, 2010 - June 18, 2010
San Jose CA

The 20th ACM Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference is the leading policy conference exploring the impact of the Internet, computers and communications technologies on society. We focus on topics such as freedom of speech, privacy, digital rights and responsibilities, free culture and intellectual property, cybersecurity, electronic democracy, anonymity, and the future of technologies and their implications.

Windows - Mac Translation Guide

Media Bridges Cincinnati

These “translation”-guide are designed for Windows users who have to use a Mac.

The first translates standard keyboard combinations for the odd-creature that is the Apple keyboard. This guide was designed by VISTA Stephen Loverme serving at HOME, Inc. in Boston, MA.

The second translates common visual cues from Windows to the Mac. For example, the Windows spinning hourglass is the same as the swirling rainbow on the Mac. This was created by VISTA Lauren Bratslavsky serving at Media Bridges Cincinnati.

Transmission Project