CTC assistance

MAAC Project
VISTA Name: 
Antonio Moreno
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Goal 1: Resident use of computer labs will increase substantially among both adults and youth.

Goal 2: Resident use of technology for community building and communication will increase substantially.

Goal 3: Public and private sector resources will enable the project to continue after Members leave.

Project Outcome: 

• Completed a CTC lab inventory
• Set-up user registration database and survey form
• Established a set of rules and regulations for the users
• Set up regular computer classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the months of July
• Basic computer classes were taught with adults.
• Oversaw the operations of the CTC
• Working with volunteers to instruct basic classes
• Set up policies and procedures for new computer center

Due to circumstances outside of Antonio’s control (staff reduction at San Martin), Antonio had no supervision. It was decided that Antonio would try to work in the computer center at the new MAAC charter school. It turned out to be a good match. We feel that both Antonio and the Charter School have benefited from this new arrangement.

Transmission Project