CTC Outreach and Support

VISTA Name: 
Chaneqa Wooten
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Develop infrastructure, policy and planning, program development and service
delivery capacity with regards to digital divide initiatives in Miami-Dade County,

Project Outcome: 

The mission of e-Equality, Inc. is to develop and promote initiatives and programs which bridge the digital divide and reduce the technological inequities experienced by low-income and disadvantaged citizens and small business in economically distressed neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County. By working hand-in-hand with our current Americorps*VISTA member(s), e-Equality has made significant strides toward the fulfillment of addressing the evident digital divide in South Florida. By assisting in the development and evolution of the Technology Access Coalition (TAC) and conducting a needs assessment of existing CTCs in Miami-Dade County as well as researching and evaluating CTC training materials, Americorps*VISTA member Chaneqa Wooten has been exposed to a variety of research practices.

Working with TAC, a target list of CTCs has been established for the initial needs assessment survey. A finalized version of this survey has also been completed. The targeted list of CTCs will be broken up amongst TAC members and survey results will be compiled in an Excel or Access database by Ms. Wooten. Following the completion of such said deliverables, Ms. Wooten [will] work with e-Equality’s web-development team toward the integration of this data into the CTCNet and TAC websites in addition to all other set-out goals.

Impact Quote: 

Ms. Wooten has done a phenomenal job in successfully accomplishing many of the initial goals that were established and gone on to expand upon her current role. By compiling a comprehensive listing of organizations and companies which offer free software and services for non-profit organizations, preliminary expectations were surpassed. Although nearly 50% complete with this research, the accumulated data has already proved to be beneficial to the Technology Access Coalition.

Transmission Project