CTC Program Building and Teaching Assistant

Durham Literacy Center Inc.
VISTA Name: 
Luke Reinke
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Luke has developed and enhanced three curricula: PC Basics, ESOL PC Basics, and a middle school technology curriculum. He recruited and trained volunteers to teach these curricula and established relationships with community partners to fill gaps where needed. All three of these curricula have been placed on the World Wide Web on the Durham County Literacy Council (DCLC) homepage for use by other non-profits or schools. Additionally, Luke greatly improved the sustainability of DCLC’s technology infrastructure, as well as our partner agencies’.

Project Outcome: 

Once the VISTA completed the development of the PC Basics curriculum in the spring of 2002, the VISTA recruited and trained 6 volunteers. Consequently 4 classes were taught entirely by volunteers. A total of 39 students enrolled with 26 finishing the class.

The VISTA developed the PC Basics curriculum in Spanish using lessons in Spanish found on the Internet, translating current lessons from the classes taught in English, and creating new lessons. The curriculum in Spanish is now posted on the Internet. The classes in Spanish have been taught by a group of 5 volunteers.

The curriculum for middle school technology classes was completed and posted on the Internet. Students began taking the NC Computer Skills test in March – 19 students successfully passed.

Technical Infrastructure Capacity-Building
Luke also achieved the following technology objectives for DCLC:

-Configured Linux server for file sharing and email
-Set up all workstations to run ABE/GED and ESOL software from the DCLC server
-Inventoried and setup all laptops in mobile lab for categorized use
-Prepared tech help sheets for all tasks so that someone else could do them
-Inventoried software on all workstations and set them up to have appropriate software, including virus protection software
-Worked on computers at partner site and troubleshot 8 PCs to get GED/Pre-GED software working
-Ran the summer camp computer time at the YMCA for school-aged children

Transmission Project