CTC Support

VISTA Name: 
Mike Denegal
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Goal 1: To create working partnerships with community organizations that will result in increased opportunities for local residents.
Goal 2: To increase fund development opportunities for FLOC sites.
Goal 3: Develop standardized operating procedures for FLOC sites.
Goal 4: To supervise the development of SDCTC bylaws with the volunteer officers and leadership council
Goal 5: Educate broader non-profit community about the SDCTC to increase the impact of its work and strengthen the ability of local non-profits to provide technology access and education to all San Diego County residents.
Goal 6: Develop one workshop each quarter based on the needs identified by SDCTC Members
Goal 7: Develop, in conjunction with the Leadership Council, two proposals for continued funding of SDCTC activities.

Project Outcome: 

Mike Denegal has provided technical assistance to the Family Learning Opportunity Centers (FLOCs) and he’s well respected for his professional technical advice for the organization. The FLOCs began with limited resources, equipment, and program structure. We are glad that Mike has assisted the Community Development Division in growing its resources, researching viable technology funding options, and establishing a line of communication among staff through the message board. Mike displays a high level of enthusiasm for growing the resources and establishing partnerships for SDCTC. He has made sure that both OTS and SDCTC stay abreast on technological trends, resources, policies, and innovations.

Transmission Project