CTC Technical Support

VISTA Name: 
Eugena Harrington
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The anticipated outcome of this project is a functioning, responsive technology support service for Triangle Area Centers for Technology (TACT) that will assist technology centers which are primarily in low-income neighborhoods.

Duke University currently provides one person to oversee technical support for community tech centers in Durham. The AmeriCorps*VISTA member will work with this person and other members of the tech support committee to plan and develop a working technology support group.

The VISTA member will identify and document support services to be provided by the TACT support committee, develop an expertise list that the Help Desk will use to forward problems, develop lists of recommended hardware and software for technology centers, as well as installing and troubleshooting computer systems and providing routine maintenance.

Project Outcome: 

Gena is providing tech support for a large number of centers (about 20) in Orange, Durham, and Wake counties and she is helping some schools in the area. She is creating inventories for the centers, defining standards, and writing guides. Standards will help RTPnet provide technical support for the centers. Similarly, when there is a problem, the inventories will give tech support people preliminary information that will facilitate troubleshooting.

Transmission Project