What is an Artifact?

It’s difficult sometimes to find a best practice. Instead, the Transmission Project seeks out examples of Honest Practice from the partners we work with and support. These intermediary and process documents probably won’t give you the answer you seek, but we hope they provide you with examples, building blocks and inspiration to help you develop your own individual practice.

Member's Survey

Access Humboldt

A Member’s Survey form created by corps member Sam Kaplan.

The results (of the survey) will help us (Access Humboldt) determine the following: A) how to improve our courses, equipment rentals, production services, and available software; B) what other courses, equipment rentals, production services, and software to offer to members.”

Community Radio Day Agenda

Access Humboldt

The agenda for Community Radio Day at Access Humboldt organized by corps member Sam Kaplan.

WNY Video Miro Community Website

Squeaky Wheel

A website organized and designed by corps member Goda Trakumaite.


We would like for this site to be a showcase that fosters the work, stories, and ideas coming out of and into the region (Buffalo and Western New York). We would like every viewer to also be a producer, whether it is of more video content, comments on videos made by others, or suggestions about how this site could be improved.”

Barnraising Manual

Prometheus Radio Project

A guide to putting on a Barnraising event created by corps member Katie Ingersoll.

This manual is designed for Prometheus staff, interns, or volunteers involved in organizing a radio barnraising. Its based on the experiences of staff at barnraisings over the years, and was written after the WGXC barnraising in September 2010. Its designed to provide information primarily about the logistical considerations involved in a barnraising, and problems that might come up.”

Guide to Organizing an Event

WERU-FM Community Radio

A guide for organizing events at community radio station WERU-FM created by corps member Meaghan LaSala.

How to Write a Press Release

WERU-FM Community Radio

A guide to writing Press Releases for community radio station WERU-FM by corps member Meaghan LaSala.

Instructional Video on how to become a program host on Konza Internet Radio


An instructional video showing how easy it is to become a program host on Konza Internet Radio created (and featuring) corps member Megan Andrews.

View her video on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=956493048271&oid=134500016601814&comments

LPFM Station Survey

Prometheus Radio Project

Corps member Katie Ingersoll at Prometheus Radio Project is surveying LPFM stations throughout the nation to collect information about their unique programming, how they manage their station, and their finances. The data will be added to the Community Media Database project to act as a resource to stations and future LPFM applicants, allowing them to locate and contact other stations, and see information about how other stations function.

Katie made the survey and will be heading up outreach to stations to drive participation.

Digital Storytelling Resource Guide


A resource guide developed by Digital Arts Service Corps VISTA Leader Erica Jones and 4 other VISTA Leaders to highlight the importance of telling the VISTA Leader Story, the basics of storytelling, and the tools available to create and tell a story.

They also collected VISTA Leaders stories and included them in a video for further illustrating concepts around digital storytelling: http://www.youtube.com/ejquoteunquote#p/u

Honest Practice: How the Public Sector Can Look at Itself


An article about the pitfalls of subscribing to so-called best practices. An alternative is offered in the form of Honest Practice: a narrative approach to evaluation that contests the copy-and-paste mentality that plagues our field.

Written by Howie Fisher with illustrations and design by Billy Brown

Transmission Project