computer skills training

CTC Program Building

VISTA Name: 
David Quashen
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

To Provide training and support in helping members of the target population increase their computer knowledge and skills. VISTA workers will assist in the implementation of the Port of Entry/Closing the Gap program by scheduling workshops, recruiting volunteers, acquiring and refurbishing computers. Vista Workers will assist the Project Director in the publication and distribution of the newsletter, maintaining mailing lists for the newsletter, responding to telephone inquiries about the program, and assisting in grant applications. Lastly the VISTA workers will submit grant applications and attempt to fund raise from faith based organizations and individuals to provide financial stability to the organization.

Project Outcome: 

In May of 2003, we opened the new Magic Johnson Computer Lab (MJCL). David assisted in:
- the development of a marketing plan to promote the lab and its new programs;
- the grand opening activities surrounding the Magic Johnson Lab;
- the recruitment of volunteer instructors for the MJCL;
- responding to telephone inquiries about the MJCL program; and
- the development of resources that the MJCL program needs to increase its capacity.

David also assisted in preparing 72 PCs.

Transmission Project