Boys and Girls Club of the East Valley

We are a community-based, character building youth development organization. We deliver the highest quality programs and provide opportunities to assist youth and teens in developing their self esteem, values and skills in a fun and safe environment. Our professionals guide members through personal, educational and social development to realize their full potential and become positive, value-oriented and productive citizens.
Be the premiere provider of youth services reaching all youth and teens in the communities we serve.
Supported Projects
CTC Youth Media Program Building
The priority during Tony’s time at the clubs has been to develop programs specializing in youth media.
Tony successfully created a project plan, lesson plans, program write-ups and evaluations for programs in the past year. These programs provide valuable skills to students in the following areas. Photoshop- design and tools, , Movie making, Robotics, Music Making, Diversity training, Literacy enrichment, Web Design, Graphic Design/Arts and the Techathalon (a state wide event). The Americorp Vista participated in outreach and recruitment with several community groups. He secured several donations for fundraising efforts through community relations he developed. During the past year, he visited the Young Champions program and urged them to participate in after school programs at the club site, greatly increasing the size and reach of our programs.
Tony O’Rourke has performed above expectations throughout his time at the Boys & Girls Clubs of the East Valley. He has consistently documented programs and developed resources and trainings in supported of the computer and youth leadership programs.
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