Community Economic Development Corporation - Southern Massachusetts

The Community Economic Development Center of Southeastern Massachusetts seeks to create a more just local economy by building bridges to resources, networks, and cooperative action for adults, youth, aspiring entrepreneurs, working families, grassroots organizations, and immigrant workers members of our community.
The work of the CEDC is created and directed by the people who will benefit most from its success.
CEDC challenges economic and political institutions and policies that exclude full participation and access to power by all members of our community.
» Empowering youth and adults with practical skills
» Giving access to technology and under-claimed resources
» Opening doors for new entrepreneurs
» Building literacy and supporting immigrant workers
» Community building and support of grassroots community organizations
» Striving to create affordable housing
Supported Projects
Outreach and Technical Assistance
The focus of the CTC VISTA will be to work with the CEDC staff to reach-out to smaller non-profit groups– many of which are completely staffed by low-income volunteers– to organize very-low-cost and accessible volunteer training programs.
CTC Net VISTA Brian Pastori continued to be a technical assistance resource to the project and to the overall work of the agency that integrates community technology across the board in all of our programs. As we completed our move, we set up the VITA e-filing site and resumed the computer recycle and refurbishing after school program. Brian held an Organizer’s Database workshop and was available for one-on-one technical assistance to the participating groups. We were also able to pilot a videoconferencing project in collaboration with a counterpart CTC in Quiche, Guatemala. Brian coordinated student interns on a variety of CEDC projects and faciliated a team of summer youth to conduct an assessment of youth needs. Brian’s ability to adapt to a variety of projects has allowed us to continue his position after the end of his VISTA assignment. A local private foundation with a particular interest in encouraging their grantee groups to engage youth in programming increased our funding by 50% this year to help underwrite the costs of this newly funded position.
Brian has been instrumental in helping the CEDC achieve its mission because he has a strong commitment to working with our diverse low-income population. Brian has very strong group facilitation, training and community organizing skills in addition to his techlology skills which have been tremendous assets to the CEDC to allow us to further our mission.
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