Community Partners

At Community Partners, we believe in the ability of social innovators and entrepreneurs to bring positive change to their communities.
Social innovators and entrepreneurs are individuals who identify solutions to community needs and then actively respond. For example: they are advocates who want to educate immigrant workers on their rights; funders who want to increase their grantees’ effectiveness; government officials who want to bridge the digital divide; business leaders who want to see one million trees planted in LA; teachers who want to see their students eat healthy, sustainable food; and actors who want to bring theater to the inner city.
At Community Partners, we provide social innovators and entrepreneurs like these the support and infrastructure needed to advance their ideas into action.
For emerging leaders of civic and community projects, we handle finance, HR, and legal needs; help them develop their idea into a funded project; connect them with their peers and leaders in the community; and equip them with the tools and training to grow an effective, sustainable project.
For experienced social innovators and networks of established stakeholder groups, we provide the knowledge and means to get new ideas and coalitions off the ground in a matter of weeks.
For funders, we provide skilled management of program offices, peer convenings, regranting, and capacity-building programs that strengthen their impact in the community.
What we provide enables social innovators and entrepreneurs to do what they do best - make change happen. Since 1992, we have supported, trained, and invested in more than 500 social innovators and entrepreneurs tackling every imaginable social issue. They have come from the core of our vibrant communities and from every station of civic life: government, foundations, business, the social sector, and neighborhoods everywhere.
Supported Projects
Marketing and Outreach
Edward has worked with members of the California Community Technology Policy Group (CCTPG) to engage underserved communities in discussion regarding the usage and impact of emerging technologies in their communities. Specific activities have included: Developing online tools to track data, policies, and reseach on technology access and use in low-income communities; Developing communications tools and systems to disseminate policy updates and action alerts; Disseminating the results of CCTPG research to community leaders for use in local negotiations on access to emerging technologies.
- Edward has been key in revamping the communication strategies of CCTPG by helping develop the website and manage the Action Alerts and Newsletter communications to members.
- Edward has help in the research and production of Wired for Wireless? a report on Digital Inclusion and government-led wireless networks.
- Edward has developed new content for the CCTPG website – the content has addressed key issues related to community technology.
- Edward has been key in CCTPG’s outreach efforts by identifying new members and developing relationships with them.
CCTPG is a project within Community Partners. Community Partners has undergone a reassessment of the public relations and communications strategy. During this process, Edward has been key helping incorporate online tools to enhanse the public relations and communications strategy.
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