DANEnet has served Dane County non-profit organizations since 1995 by offering on-site technical support, technical training, and technical planning and consulting services. DANEnet is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
DANEnet is dedicated to helping Dane County non-profits find and use quality information technology that efficiently serves their mission.
Supported Projects
Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator
Our Americorp*Vista member will assist in organizing computer related volunteer projects and mobilizing volunteers. In October of 2005 DANEnet will sponsor a day of service to celebrate our 10 year anniversary and the VISTA will help plan this event.
Blake spent most of his time working on the DANEnet Day of Service. Which was a success in the fall of 2005. He also with the EPICS service learning program at the University of Wisconsin where he is teaching the current students (the reality of nonprofits and low income citizens [fall term]; Web programming [spring term])
Blake is also working with the Youth Resource Network to create a Web portal for youth serving activities/agencies.
Lastly, Blake helped to write a successful Youth Visions proposal and he has been the day-to-day DANEnet presence on that grant.
Youth Program Development
The VISTA will extend the youth programs DANEnet is currently providing. The VISTA will also work with agencies that want to expand their technology needs. In particular the Youth Resource Network, a collaboration of over 35 youth serving agencies and the recipient of the Partners for After School Success program, which has proposed a Web application that will help them coordinate activities. The VISTA will also recruit and organize DANEnet’s first Day of Service.
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