Downtown Jackson CDC

The mission of Jackson Downtown Development Corporation (JDDC) is to increase property values, recruit quality business and upscale residential, create new investment and promote the arts and cultural enrichment in downtown Jackson.
Our goal is to improve the quality of life for Jacksonians by strengthening the pulse of downtown through concentrated efforts in organization, promotion, design and economic restructuring with a historic preservation focus.
The primary role of JDDC is to provide a comprehensive approach to the revitalization and promotion of historic downtown. JDDC supports downtown events and happenings, as well as providing printed and email media, to ensure that exposure to downtown is ongoing.
Supported Projects
CTC Assistance
The property which provided space for our lab was sold to another owner. The new owner wasn’t interested in keeping the programs. We move all equipment which was held in storage for more than 7 months. We partnered with another local property and we moved twice to new property. Finally, in April we move to the final location for the computer lab.
These moves hindered Angela’s work with the lab. However she was quite helpful in other areas. She wrote the first MLK grant which was funded. She provided research for many of the grants that have been developed during the 8 months of her stay. She developed the system for reporting and documenting for a new program brought on this year. She also developed the accounting and financial system documenting agency resources.
The computer lab is presently up and running. The Web sight was not developed, as no one at the agency has the skills to help Angela to develop the Web. She networked the computers to one laser printer and set up the eight new computers. She developed a training curriculum for use with the summer and after-school children.
The positive results of the MLK grant provide an environmental program to teach youth about the value of our planet. The youth also enjoyed a conference on “Discovering How Amazing you really are” and learning how to find the greatness within themselves.
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