First Baptist Church

OUR MISSION is to love and worship God, to love and serve others, and to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
OUR VISION is to be a church in which every member is engaged in ministry that impacts the neighborhood, the city, the nation, and the world.
The compassion of Christ, which moves us to feel with others in their joy or sorrow and to act on their behalf.
The diversity of our congregation as it represents God’s wholeness.
The hospitality of the church, as we welcome all people in the name of Jesus, and welcome as members all who call Him Lord.
The pilgrimage of Christian formation, as we seek to follow the way of Jesus and teach others to walk in that way.
The beauty, reverence, and excellence of the worship we offer to God and the place in which we do it.
Supported Projects
CTC After-School Programming
The mission of the FBC Computer C.A.F.E. is to spread today’s technological knowledge around the community and to empower the members of the church and community through technology training. We strive to elevate youth to positive futures through using computer technology for tutoring, cultural events, and mentoring by pairing stable, professional adults both working and retired with youth.
Goal 1: Implement an after-school program
Goal 2: Facilitate a Business Center
Goal 3: Public and private sector resources will enable the project to continue after the Members leave.
During her term, Charlena researched three online volunteer management programs and posted volunteer position descriptions. Charlena organized activities for the Black Family Technology Awareness Week, which consisted of three days of workshops focusing on family, technology, and financial stability. She developed, coordinated, and managed the workshops.
Charlena met with World Vision, First Baptist Church staff and Middle School Youth Rep. to develop and implement an ongoing student recruit drive.
She provided assistance to business center users and provides technical assistance to the church, its members, and the community.
She has developed procedures for an after-school program.
She developed the FBC Computer C.A.F.E. website (
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