Organizers' Collaborative

OC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that identifies and develops low-cost, replicable technology, software, and trainings that meets the organizing, outreach, and fundraising needs of small nonprofits. OC is comprised of community organizers and technology consultants dedicated to helping nonprofit organizations and community groups integrate technology into their work.
Supported Projects
Program Documentation and Evaluation
OC is looking for assistance from Americorps Vista members to document our novel technical assistance model, to help evaluate and document low cost software solutions and training methods that we are using in our technology assistance work, and to bring this assistance model to one low-income neighborhood of Boston. We are also planning to produce, with Vista volunteer help, a concise publication for small organizations that helps them understand how to improve their technology setup. The publication will address critical needs of nonprofits, including acquisition of basic infrastructure, backups and virus protection, database management, setting up membership and donation systems, volunteer tracking, outreach, online fundraising, and gathering data on constituents.
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