Pangea Foundation

As the nonprofit leader in SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) impact measurement and reporting services, Pangea Foundation equips impact-driven nonprofits across America with easy-to-learn and easy-to-use Web-based Software-as-a-Service that lets organizations clearly visualize and effortlessly communicate the impact of their programs. We fuse your live data with sophisticated visual analytics to give you Impact Reports that pack more punch, eliminate ambiguity, and make you look professional.
Supported Projects
Software Development and Technical Training
AmeriCorps VISTA’s Corey Funderburk and Laura Hanley focused their work and efforts at Pangea Foundation on projects related to software development and technical training. Corey Funderburk specifically worked with the development staff at Pangea on the front-end design for new features and client-based applications.
During their year long term, Corey and Laura completed tasks and mini-projects related to 5 of Pangea Foundation’s web-based applications. One of which is the national launching of a mentoring system for organizations that serve youth with disabilities. This system has been used by our organization for several years, and has been recognized by other organizations as a model system that could help expand mentoring programs, and create a network of mentoring programs to better track results. Our VISTA’s designed prototypes for facilitating a national partnership with Partners for Youth with Disabilities, a Boston-based national mentoring organizations. This partnership has now been formalized, and the pilot for our national launch is beginning in April. Among other pilot participants, Disabled Sports USA will be a pilot organization, which is a non-profit with 90 chapters across the nation.
They also led 2 special projects focused financial counseling for families affected by the Katrina Disaster and Education accountability with the San Diego City School District.
Software Development and Technical Training
AmeriCorps VISTA’s Corey Funderburk and Laura Hanley focused their work and efforts at Pangea Foundation on projects related to software development and technical training. Laura Hanley worked mainly with the training staff to develop online training materials for all of Pangea Foundation’s software applications.
During their year long term, Corey and Laura completed tasks and mini-projects related to 5 of Pangea Foundation’s web-based applications. One of which is the national launching of a mentoring system for organizations that serve youth with disabilities. This system has been used by our organization for several years, and has been recognized by other organizations as a model system that could help expand mentoring programs, and create a network of mentoring programs to better track results. Our VISTA’s designed prototypes for facilitating a national partnership with Partners for Youth with Disabilities, a Boston-based national mentoring organizations. This partnership has now been formalized, and the pilot for our national launch is beginning in April. Among other pilot participants, Disabled Sports USA will be a pilot organization, which is a non-profit with 90 chapters across the nation.
They also led 2 special projects focused financial counseling for families affected by the Katrina Disaster and Education accountability with the San Diego City School District.
Outreach and Trainer
Sandra will visit affordable housing facilities, CTCs, and nonprofits in the State and train them on Pangea’s software and technology systems. Sandra will also evaluate Pangea’s systems, recommend ways to improve the software and the training plans, and begin to develop training materials based on input from the field. Lastly, Sandra will schedule and host on-site training workshops and presentations.
Sandra and Daniel (the other VISTA member) helped Pangea reach over 700 affordable housing facilities. They provided 100% of the technical traning and support for this project. Additionally, with their direct interaction with our clients, they help us to design new features for using technology to serve low income residents. Sandra and Daniel also virtually lead all aspects of our training and technical support program.
Local VISTA Leader
As a local VISTA leader Mike will provide support services to VISTA Members at local and national programs via our site’s VISTA leader, contact VISTA Members to inquire about their needs and questions. Visit VISTA Members, locally and nationally, as funds permit to provide support and network with other agencies.
Mike D. continued to provide support to VISTAs through the year, and was very helpful to all the local VISTAs he served as a supervisor too. Mike continued to contact all 12 CTCNet VISTAs monthly to check on them. Mike primarily called VISTA members, but he did go to the national conference to support and network with other VISTAs.
Outreach and Trainer
Daniel will build the capactiy of CTCs, community organizations and schools by training them in Pangea’s information systems, particularly our Abilities-4-Mentoring system. Daniel will also evaluate and recommend new ways to improve upon Pangea’s systems. Lastly, Daniel will schedule and host on-site training workshops and presentations.
Daniel and Sandra (the other VISTA member) helped Pangea reach over 700 affordable housing facilities. They provided 100% of the technical traning and support for this project. Additionally, with their direct interaction with our clients, they help us to design new features for using technology to serve low income residents. Sandra and Daniel also virtually lead all aspects of our training and technical support program.
CTC Implementation and Program Building
Goal 1: Develop an implementation plan for 50 CTCs, nonprofit, in senior affordable housing communities in southern California.
Goal 2: Help implement Abilities Networks and Abilities for RSC and train CTCs and nonprofits in San Diego and Los Angeles
Goal 3: Help develop an implementation plan for Abilities for RSC in multifamily properties and out-of-state expansion, which includes 5 workshops and a pilot with 20 housing communities
Sue has helped us launch our project nationally, and we know have over 350 affordable and public housing facilities using “Abilities for Resident Service Coordinators” to link low income frail elderly and disabled residents to community services. “Abilities for Resident Service Coordinators” has been endorsed by the American Association of Service Coordinators and is acknowledged by industry professionals as a vital tool in keeping elderly residents in independent living. With the infusion of technology in elderly and disabled resident service coordination, properties are able to keep residents independent, and avoid unnecessary and costly institutionalization. This project is a prime example of using community technology to meet pressing needs, and impact important policy areas.
Sue helped us attend a national conference in San Antonio, Texas, in which we brought 20 laptops and set up a training lab. We taught Resident Service Coordinators how to use technology to link their residents to community services, manage their residmonitor resident and program outcomes with technology.
Sue has been a vital player in helping us develop an implementation plan for CTCs in affordable housing communities in Southern California, as she is at our office early every day to assist with implementation. Her involvement helped us determine that we could expand beyond 50 to now over 200 CTCs.
Sue led the effort at Pangea Foundation to develop the training manual for our users. She has helped develop the 100+ page training manual that is available to users when they log into the system. This is an ongoing effort. She also helps with phone training, and attended our training conference in San Antonio, Texas.
Sue has helped run the show at Pangea with the Resident Service Coordinators. She is the first to receive their calls when they need technical help. She continuously tests the systems. She helped create the training manuals and system forms for printed materials. Sue’s involvement as an AmeriCorp*VISTA member enables our organization to provide these services to the community. To date, this system has over 200 properties using it, which represents service delivered and managed to 20,000 low income elderly and disabled residents across the country.
CTC assistance
Judy’s main responsibilities were supervision of the lab, supervision of the Tech bus, grant writing, technical maintenance and marketing. When she was not able to find the answers she needed, Judy was very adept at doing research to enable her to accomplish her goals. For example, she was a member of several listservs that allowed her to bounce ideas off of others in the field.
Goal 1: Sustain current schedule of introductory classes offered in Cox Technology Lab while building stronger relationships within community and with businesses and other non-profits to build capacity
Goal 2: Program Development and Grant Writing
Goal 3: Develop plan to provide consistent technical support in lab
Program Development:
Developed curriculum for basic computer classes for both children and adults:
•Introduction to Microsoft Word
•Introduction to Microsoft Excel
•Introduction to the Internet & Email
•Introduction to Computers
Grant Writing:
•Solely wrote and applied for Hewlett-Packard hardware grant valued at $11,000 (January 2004)—not awarded.
•Collaborated with Occupational Training Services for San Diego Foundation grant, valued at $25,000 (February 2004)—not awarded.
•In process of applying for hardware through San Diego Futures Foundation. Update of this grant was received resulting in 16 refurbished Dell computers
•Applied for IMPACTPLUS grant (March 19)—not awarded.
•Waitt Family Foundation 2660 for Grand Reopening
•Created flyers and monthly calendars for tech lab classes
•Distributed to community centers, libraries, schools, community colleges, etc.
•Handed out flyers at YMCA games
•Marketing activities on on-going basis as needed (i.e., upcoming plans for Grand Re-Opening, etc.)
Networking/Relationship Building
•Attended monthly Community Tech meetings
•Attended 3 symposiums presented by San Diego Foundation
•Participated in planning committee for Black Family Technology Awareness Week
•Established ongoing relationship with the Urban League for technical support and guidance
Technical Support
•Currently studying for A+ certification exams and working on repairing broken computers in lab
•Brought in Futures Foundation to conduct tech assessment of lab—completed.
•Working on securing donated servers for lab
Tech Bus
•Assist children in using educational software on tech bus. Bus goes out 4 times a week to local elementary schools
•Buy new software for bus as needed—researched and purchased language and math programs
CTC Outreach and Implementation
- Help develop an implementation plan for 25 CTC’s in San Diego County and 25 CTC’s in Orange County
- Help implement Abilities Networks and train CTC’s in San Diego and Orange County
- Help develop an implementation plan for statewide usage in California, which includes 5 workshops and a pilot with 20 CTC’s
- Public and private sector resources will enable the project to continue after the Members leave.
Beth and Edith worked well above their call of duty to lead the efforts of designing a system that helped bring technology solutions to low-income senior and disabilities housing properties. They worked directly with staff at affordable housing properties for seniors and people with disabilities as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Southern California office to make sure that Pangea designed a system that could help low-income seniors and people with disabilities use technology to access community resources to meet their need. They designed the functional specification of the system, and then worked daily with Pangea’s software developers to oversee the development of the system. They have been praised by every organization they worked with, especially HUD’s Southern California Neighborhood Networks team leader.
The transition of Abilities Networks into Abilities For RSCs would not have been possible without having AmeriCorps*VISTA members Beth and Edith! Given the small staff at Pangea and the limited nonprofit resources available today, we relied heavily upon the involvement of our two AmeriCorps members to help make every aspect of this project possible.
CTC Implementation and Outreach
- Help develop an implementation plan for 25 CTC’s in San Diego County and 25 CTC’s in Orange County
- Help implement Abilities Networks and train CTC’s in San Diego and Orange County
- Help develop an implementation plan for statewide usage in California, which includes 5 workshops and a pilot with 20 CTC’s
- Public and private sector resources will enable the project to continue after the Members leave.
Beth and Edith worked well above their call of duty to lead the efforts of designing a system that helped bring technology solutions to low-income senior and disabilities housing properties. They worked directly with staff at affordable housing properties for seniors and people with disabilities as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Southern California office to make sure that Pangea designed a system that could help low-income seniors and people with disabilities use technology to access community resources to meet their need. They designed the functional specification of the system, and then worked daily with Pangea’s software developers to oversee the development of the system. They have been praised by every organization they worked with, especially HUD’s Southern California Neighborhood Networks team leader.
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