Westside Youth Technical Entrepreneur Center

Westside Youth Technical Entrepreneur Center (WYTEC) is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization, located in Chicago’s West Garfield Park community since 1999 and was incorporated in 2001. WYTEC serves as a bridge from the business sector to the youth in the community to let them know that they have choices other than drugs, gangs, and violence by providing quality after school programs. Our mission is to teach entrepreneurship, technology, and life skills that will further community and economic progress within our community and abroad.
WYTEC has partnered with the Boston, MA Museum of Science to create an Intel Computer Clubhouse in 2005 and we are one of over 100 Intel Computer Clubhouses worldwide. We are also a member of the Community Technology Centers Network (CTC Net) which provides computer access and other digital media tools to community residents via open access and computer training classes.
Supported Projects
CTC Program Building and Outreach
The focal point of Shaneka’s work over the last year has been developing our computer literacy programs that serve community residents, and helping develop our youth programs that seek to document youth experiences and develop valuable skills by teaching video development and editing.
Shaneka served as the lead in hosting several major youth centered events, including the Intel regional teen summit and the college tour. Recently Shaneka has worked in areas of project and grant development and assisted in managing several major programs and helping with the outreach and marketing of our programs.
In her Second service year Shaneka continues to work closely with the teenage youth and is currently hosting a Girls program for teens ages 13 to 18. The youth are currently involved in forming their own T-shirt corporation from the ground up. Shaneka has helped the youth write business plans, design images for print, and worked towards building an entrepreneurial mindset in the youth. Shaneka continues to develop technology related programs that have youth learning Photo Manipulation using Adobe Photoshop, Animation using Macromedia Flash, Video Production using Sony Vegas and other programs that engage the youth.
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