U Mass Boston/College of Public & Community Service
The College of Public and Community Service is one of five colleges that comprise the University of Massachusetts Boston campus. As such, CPCS seeks to extend the tradition of the land grant university in a number of ways:
Educating students to foster the public good and aid the transformation to a more equitable society
Providing research, advocacy, technical assistance, and service to the surrounding community
Forging partnerships with public agencies and community organizations that enhance the quality of life for low income and other inadequately served populations
In these ways, the college works toward overcoming the attitudes, beliefs, and structures in our society which prevent access to the resources that exist and discourage full participation in economic, civic, cultural and political life. As an alternative educational institution, CPCS endeavors to function as an inclusive, democratic, and participatory learning community which promotes diversity, equality, and social justice.
CPCS actively cultivates a diverse and mature student body and offers an empowering and effective education which equips students to advocate for themselves and to improve the health and well-being of their chosen communities. The college recognizes that, particularly in a multicultural society, such an educational enterprise is inextricably bound to the complementary goals of meaningful access and adequate support for underserved populations. The successful CPCS graduate is a competent, confident, self-directed, life long learner who can demonstrate:
Language and technical skills necessary for purposeful inquiry and communication
Professional competence to function effectively in a broad range of workplace and community-based roles and activities
Critical consciousness needed to clarify and challenge prevailing values, ideologies, and practices
Essential knowledge required for participating fully in society
The CPCS curriculum is designed with such students in mind. The core of this inventive educational system is an outcome-oriented curriculum in which prior learning is validated and collaborative projects are encouraged. At CPCS, the student is considered a resource in the educational process, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills intersects with experiential learning and field-based education. As a forward-looking educational institution, CPCS continues to explore innovative delivery systems and technologies and seeks to articulate its educational philosophy and pedagogy with other academic institutions, community organizations, and public agencies.
Center for Community Technology Services at the University of Baltimore
CCTS is a nonprofit technology assistance provider sponsored by the University of Baltimore. Our mission is to help local nonprofits use technology to improve services, increase productivity, and manage resources more effectively. We enable clients to build their information technology knowledge, skills, managerial capacity, and organizational self-sufficiency.
We help nonprofits to:
Link technology planning and projects to strategic objectives and mission-based work
Determine and prioritize technology needs
Advance program outcomes using technology
Use existing technology resources more effectively
Make informed IT purchasing decisions
Encourage an internal culture of responsible technology use
Avoid costly and disruptive technology crises
Big Bend Community College
The mission of Big Bend Community College is to serve the educational needs of a diverse population throughout its service district. As a comprehensive two-year community college, the institution works with its partners to provide a variety of educational opportunities, including:
• courses and training for university and college transfer
• occupational and technical programs
• basic skills and developmental education
• community and continuing education
• pre-employment and customized training for local business and industry
• support services for students to help promote student access, success and retention