CTC Program Building

VISTA Name: 
Brenda Jackson
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Brenda Jackson began her work as a VISTA volunteer with PLUK in June of 2002. Her principal goal has been to further develop the technology center programs, outreach to other community organizations and sustainability. We’ve come a long way and then some with Brenda’s assistance. The centerpiece has been funding for a state-wide tutoring program for at-risk children which is headquartered within the technology center. Brenda was a participant in an eight-month program for training collaborative teams around the state to evaluate technology needs for individuals with disabilities. We continue to benefit from her efforts by being awarded a Beaumont Foundation Grant she had written for a mobile lab to be used for training.

Project Outcome: 

Brenda made great steps in developing the programs of the technology center. These steps include: increasing the number of support volunteers for all programs, reaching out to other organizations that are trying to develop technology centers within their communities, researching funding options, applying for funding to ensure sustainability, developing a marketing plan for public awareness, presenting to groups, organizing training events in the center, and slowly increasing the quantity and quality of the programs in the center along with developing the infrastructure.

Project Accomplishments:
• 2 presentations on Web accessibility
• sent out electronic info to 100 people;
• 1 presentation on educational technology;
• organized a tutor program for 20 kids;
• organized ScienceQuest program for 10 kids (created collaboration with four organizations and designed a Web page about the program (http://www.pluk.org/sciencequest.htm);
• made contact with two other organizations, lining up space, computers, and program materials for satellite CTCs if funded, and wrote the grant for funding;
• currently working on establishing an education program for educators, paraprofessionals, and parents on assistive technology tools that are available.
• developing a catalogue of in-house resource materials;
• designing a flier for the assistive technology lab, revamping existing materials,
• designing a Web site for the assistive technology lab as part of the VISTA project.
• participated in the Montana Collaborative Empowerment Project
• participated in a Digital Media Workshop.
• designed web page for VISTA project (http://www.pluk.org/ctc-americorpvista.htm)

Transmission Project