Fenway CDC Boston

Fenway CDC is a membership organization that works to achieve greater residential stability and diversity in the Fenway neighborhood. We engage residents in community planning, develop affordable housing, and advocate for community services primarily aimed at meeting the needs of low- and moderate-income residents. We envision the Fenway as an urban village - a model of smart growth and sustainability where both residential and institutional neighbors thrive. Toward this end, we seek to capitalize on the opportunities and address the challenges arising from the Fenway’s unique concentration of world-renowned institutions, which are important drivers of the regional economy.
Supported Projects
Compuer Skills Training and Curriculum Development
Rob, as the lead instructor for the NETT Network Associates program, is now graduating ten first Cycle I students on October 21, 2002 and preparing to start Cycle 2 on October 28, 2002 with 12 students. The Fenway NETT Network Associates program is based on the Cisco Certified Network Associates program. The program incorporates training in network administration, software and hardware troubleshooting, customer service, communication skills, job readiness skills, problem-solving/critical thinking, research skills and other “soft skills” needed for success in the information technology sector.tor.
Rob continued teaching the first half of the NETT Network Associate program. This included 3 to 4 hours in the classroom daily, which was extended somewhat, as the class, approached the Semester 1st and 2nd semester finals. During this period Rob conceived of integrating the in-class instruction with a real world network installation. This was done at the Fenway After-School Program, a program run by the YMCA in a Fenway CDC owned building. The students consulted with the YMCA, reconditioned PC’s, and installed an Ethernet network.
We remain fortunate to have the services of Rob Hall, 2001 graduate from the Rochester Institute of Technology to serve a one-year VISTA term. Rob’s dedication, expertise and helpful personality have allowed the CDC launch and completion of the first cycle of an innovative and demanding program preparing low and moderate income urban adults for careers in networking administration and information technology.
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