Keystone Community Network (KCNet)

Keystone Community Network was established to provide the infrastructure for electronic access to local, state, and global information. The concentrated objective is to provide and enable “Education for Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday.”
The mission of KCnet will be to maintain a rural area network that will offer electronic services for the educational, cultural and economic advancement of local communities. KCnet will provide access to electronic information for all citizens, utilizing a variety of resources, human, economic, and technical.
KCnet will provide to the community an Internet access, empower the community to become life long learners, and promote community and economic development.
KCnet has in place the infrastructure to provide the global access to the community to enable them to become a viable player in economic development . Clinton County and its neighbors must have the access to information technology and a trained work force to compete in the 21st century.
Supported Projects
Education Specialist
To coordinate the program designed for expanding and sharing Internet access in the community; assist in developing computer/Internet educational programs for school and community use. To provide setup and management of computers in the community; work with the senior citizen mentor program to provide ongoing training and model life-long learning and proved access to the Internet in the home through a computer loan program. Work with and provide leadership to other staff members who assist with the KCnet Computer/Internet Education Program.
Tasks may include, but are not limited to, teaching, creating news releases, reports and charts pertaining to current and projected program, assistance with 5-year business plan, maintenance of the member database and daily contact with program participants.
Coordination of educational program. Increased attendances and increased class income from $3,200 to $8,000 per year.
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