MAAC Project

The Mission of the MAAC Project is to promote self-sufficiency for low and moderate income families and communities of Southern California through advocacy for, and delivery of, social, educational, housing and employment services.
MAAC will pursue our mission by offering the various communities in San Diego County a helping hand, by bridging the path to self-sufficiency, and by building and enhancing self-esteem.
About MAAC
The MAAC Project is a multi-purpose social service agency with a successful 45 year history of serving various communities throughout San Diego County. In 1965, MAAC Project opened its doors to serve San Diego’s disadvantaged. One million clients later, MAAC is still acting as a catalyst to help individuals and families become self-sufficient. MAAC provides a spectrum of unique programs designed to assist clients by engaging them in the enhancement of their own lives through lifestyle changes. The programs strive to improve clients’ economic standing as well as their ability to access resources available to them.
As one of the most successful social service agencies in the county, MAAC has continuously assisted low-income clients in achieving a higher level of self-sufficiency. Our clients want what everyone wants, a sense of security, viability and self-reliance. MAAC exists to help them achieve it.
MAAC serves over 35,000 individuals per year and over the past 43 years has touched the lives of over 1,000,000 clients. Employing over 300 personnel, MAAC staffs 35 sites bringing to its constituents empowering social services, health components, a state of arts charter school, technology centers, economic development, affordable housing…building community. MAAC maintains and continues to instill in every program under its umbrella the object of its mission…the achievement of self-esteem and self-sufficiency.
MAAC has become one of San Diego’s most distinguished and comprehensive social service agencies. MAAC serves San Diego County families through HeadStart/FirstStart, nutritional programs, low-income home weatherization and improvement, two notable and culturally specific recovery homes, award winning affordable housing complexes and a charter school.
The availability of secure and attractive homes and the development of a community, which provides access to childcare, pre-school, recreational activities, computer training, job referrals, and services designed to enhance the livability and viability of the neighborhood, builds pride and self-respect. In turn, this leads to self-development, respect for others, and citizenship participation. These are MAAC’s goals. This is the path and direction on which MAAC has embarked.
Supported Projects
CTC assistance
Goal 1: Resident use of computer labs will increase substantially among both adults and youth.
Goal 2: Resident use of technology for community building and communication will increase substantially.
Goal 3: Public and private sector resources will enable the project to continue after Members leave.
• Completed a prototype of the new website for MAAC
• Started the implementation of the production version of the new web site.
• Presented a preview of the web site to MAAC’s management team
• Worked with Community Development staff on various GIS projects, including the Barrio Logan and single family & affordable housing research
• Help the new CTC Coordinator at Laurel Tree in a transitional capacity
• Submitted a grant application to Las Patronas for a digital storytelling project for MACC. If the project proposal is accepted, the funding valued at $14,8000 will be used to purchase multimedia workstations and video camcorders for the CTC.
• Started the implementation of the new website.
• Initiated the contact with the Waitt Foundation regarding future co-operative GIS projects.
• Worked with the Single Family Housing Initiative at MAAC Project to insure accuracy of data on Barrio Logan/ Logan Heights
• Geocoding of property locations in National City and Barrio Logan/ Logan Heights.
• Assisted with an application to NeighborWorks for MAAC Project to become an affiliate
• Researched data on sale and price of properties for a affordable homeownership plan
• Assisted Revitalization Director with survey design.
CTC assistance
Goal 1: Resident use of computer labs will increase substantially among both adults and youth.
Goal 2: Resident use of technology for community building and communication will increase substantially.
Goal 3: Public and private sector resources will enable the project to continue after Members leave.
• Completed a CTC lab inventory
• Set-up user registration database and survey form
• Established a set of rules and regulations for the users
• Set up regular computer classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the months of July
• Basic computer classes were taught with adults.
• Oversaw the operations of the CTC
• Working with volunteers to instruct basic classes
• Set up policies and procedures for new computer center
Due to circumstances outside of Antonio’s control (staff reduction at San Martin), Antonio had no supervision. It was decided that Antonio would try to work in the computer center at the new MAAC charter school. It turned out to be a good match. We feel that both Antonio and the Charter School have benefited from this new arrangement.
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