Pillsbury United Communities

Pillsbury United Communities is a nonprofit organization working to create choice, change and connection for people from all walks of life. With multiple locations in Minneapolis’ inner city neighborhoods – including four neighborhood centers and a professional live theatre – Pillsbury United Communities is positioned to address the complicated issues and concerns faced by the more than 35,000 people who walk through our doors each year.
Staff manage a growing number of services in six common focus areas:
Innovations in Early Childhood Development
Innovations in Youth and Teen Development
Innovations in Adult Education and Skill Development
Innovations in Civic Engagement
Innovations in Essential Resources
Innovations in Wellness
Pillsbury United Communities builds better communities by helping individuals find the means to help themselves.
Supported Projects
CTC Volunteer Coordinator
Jenny will assist Waite House to staff its CTC by building capacity. Develop a a technology task committee for the Phillips Neighborhood. She will also be in charge of coordinating Waite House Community Technology Center and all the activities that related to the program.
Volunteer Recruitment, curriculum development, creation of a neighborhood CTC task force, training of youth and adult workers in technology.
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