The Academy for Career Development

The Academy For Career Development provides educational opportunities for disabled, disadvantaged, and displaced children, youth, and adults. To this end, The Academy creates optimized learning environments in which students progress from classroom based assisted learning, to self-directed learning, to a final demonstration of their ability to competently function in a contemporary workplace setting through work internships and apprenticeship programs. The ultimate goal of the students’ total educational experience is to prepare for, obtain, and retain a job that pays a living wage.
Supported Projects
Community Learning AT Coordinator
The VISTA Member will have a significant role in developing, organizing, and implementing a Community Learning Center Network in which we will deliver educational programming in disability issues, accommodation, and Assistive Technology (AT) to our underserved citizens via our synchronous distance learning network. The member’s activities will include:
1. Help establish formal AT technical and educational programming with at least 10 Community and Faith based organizations.
2. Oversee the connection of new & pre-existing Community Computer Labs to our Community Learning Network to facilitate delivery of AT & Accommodation web-based seminars
3. To Help create a stronger and effective dialog with our local and state government officials, and work with them to improve the status of persons with disabilities
4. To create the foundation of a Community Technology Learning Center Collaborative of community and faith based organizations that will provide AT support services for the constituents they serve.
5. To work with our AT specialists to convert our educational & promotional materials into alternative formats and needed languages to accommodate the individuals we support and train through our school and community service programs.
6. Help install new assistive technology hardware and software needed to better accommodate the people we serve and to help make the technologies available to others who want to learn about its use.
7. To help establish our agency as a model of accommodations and support of Persons With Disabilities and other underserved persons, by which other organizations and communities can emulate.
Donna Worked with Ticket-to-work clients to determine their best path to employment. She continued to built relationships with other CBOs/FBOs who were interested in employment of persons with disabilities Continued to grow our AT lab and encouraged community usage of the lab.
She also created a very eficient management model for the Ticket-to-Work Program while continuing to help educate youth and adults in the usage of Assistive technology.
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