administrative tasks

Project Coordinator

VISTA Name: 
Clarice Lovely
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The Americorps member serves as a project coordinator, working closely with the Director of Programs in an administrative capacity to coordinate schedules, sites and staff for computer training classes. The Americorps member assists in coordinating presentations to school sites and organizations to register students as part of the program’s existing outreach plan. Americorps members will assess and make recommendations for improving this process. Further, the Americorps member works to increase the organization’s capacity to improve technology literacy among families by serving as a computer training class instructor and assist staff in the development of curriculum and training manuals.

Project Outcome: 

As an Americorps VISTA member, Clarice was an integral part of preparing for the school district’s “back to school registration drive,” at which time, parents and students attend school orientations and register for classes. Through OTX we serve a school district population comprised of 48,000 students and 104 school sites. For the purpose of the home computer component of OTX-West’s computer reuse program, Clarice assisted in the coordination of this effort to reach 41 middle school and high school sites. Her work included creating and organizing information packets, scheduling meetings with school sites and staffing orientations. Due to the extensive outreach effort, we were able to serve 800 middle school and high school students last Fall.

MAFEI currently has six interns representing the traditional high schools in the District, two of whom have returned from the previous year. As an Americorps member, Clarice serves as a liaison with OTX interns, coordinating work schedules and advising them appropriately regarding work responsibilities.

CTC VISTA Project Program Support

VISTA Name: 
Melissa Daigle
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Melissa Daigle’s VISTA assignment began with a focus on support for producing and developing the Community Technology Review, with secondary goals of overseeing initial contact and placement assistance to prospective VISTA applicants, and providing other CTC VISTA Project program support as may follow from these two other objectives and otherwise as needed. Over the course of her first last months, Melissa did very impressive work in all these arenas.

Project Outcome: 

Melissa’s work in serving as Assistant Editor for the Community Technology Review online journal involved overseeing most communication with the authors; manuscript editing and development; online line production and design (a task she’s undertaken concurrent with learning to use online tools such as Dreamweaver); outreach; subscription management; and general systems and procedures development to insure a more smooth-running operation. She has laid some useful preliminary foundations for advertising and fundraising

Melissa’s work in overseeing the project’s outreach and information pages on the Corporation for National Service’s information web site and dealing with prospective program VISTAs has been organized and efficient. Through the late spring and summer, this extreme demands of this task involving communication not only with all VISTA applicants but with project supervisors can be appreciated by the fact that the CTC VISTA Project is the most popular in the entire CNS system. A combination of work in both these arenas lead to a natural taking on of project-wide development work involving support for Project VISTAs in numerous arenas, the most visible of which were her work in producing a VISTA-focused project newsletter ( and overseeing/coordinating the project’s joint VISTA-Supervisor Advisory Committee. Along with her contributions to the monthly Boston-area VISTA meetings, serving on the “First Tuesday” television production team, filling the gaps and undertaking other initiatives for project support, Melissa’s leadership is generally recognized by both her peers and the project administration.

CTC assistance

VISTA Name: 
Victoria Jackson
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

To Provide training and support in helping members of the target population increase their computer knowledge and skills. VISTA workers will assist in the implementation of the Port of Entry/Closing the Gap program by scheduling workshops, recruiting volunteers, acquiring and refurbishing computers. Vista Workers will assist the Project Director in the publication and distribution of the newsletter, maintaining mailing lists for the newsletter, responding to telephone inquiries about the program, and assisting in grant applications. Lastly the VISTA workers will submit grant applications and attempt to fund raise from faith based organizations and individuals to provide financial stability to the organization.

Project Outcome: 

In May of 2003, we opened the new Magic Johnson Computer Lab (MJCL). David and Victoria assisted in:
- the development of a marketing plan to promote the lab and its new programs;
- the grand opening activities surrounding the Magic Johnson Lab;
- the recruitment of volunteer instructors for the MJCL;
- responding to telephone inquiries about the MJCL program; and
- the development of resources that the MJCL program needs to increase its capacity.

Victoria provided support for the HOPE Scholars program. She assisted in working out a schedule to train 1,000 students in a five week period. Victoria is now the new director of our Edgewood Village satellite office. She is responsible for all computer-related programs for the residents of the 144 unit complex including our computer access/literacy training workshops.

CTC Program Building

VISTA Name: 
David Quashen
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

To Provide training and support in helping members of the target population increase their computer knowledge and skills. VISTA workers will assist in the implementation of the Port of Entry/Closing the Gap program by scheduling workshops, recruiting volunteers, acquiring and refurbishing computers. Vista Workers will assist the Project Director in the publication and distribution of the newsletter, maintaining mailing lists for the newsletter, responding to telephone inquiries about the program, and assisting in grant applications. Lastly the VISTA workers will submit grant applications and attempt to fund raise from faith based organizations and individuals to provide financial stability to the organization.

Project Outcome: 

In May of 2003, we opened the new Magic Johnson Computer Lab (MJCL). David assisted in:
- the development of a marketing plan to promote the lab and its new programs;
- the grand opening activities surrounding the Magic Johnson Lab;
- the recruitment of volunteer instructors for the MJCL;
- responding to telephone inquiries about the MJCL program; and
- the development of resources that the MJCL program needs to increase its capacity.

David also assisted in preparing 72 PCs.

Transmission Project