
Making Your Media Matter

May 12, 2010
Washington, DC

Join established and aspiring filmmakers, non-profit communications leaders, funders and students working to learn and share cutting-edge practices to make their media matter, May 12th 2010 at American University in Washington DC. This year marks the Center for Social Media’s sixth annual Making Your Media Matter conference. Registration $100, Students, $50. Register now!

ED-MEDIA World Conference on Multimedia. Hypermedia and Telecommunications

June 28, 2010 - July 2, 2010
Toronto CN

World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications is an international conference, organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). This annual conference serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the discussion and exchange of information on the research, development, and applications on all topics related to multimedia, hypermedia and telecommunications/distance education.

Northeast Media Literacy Conference

March 26, 2010
Storrs CT

In our eighth annual Northeast Media Literacy Conference, a major focus will be on media literacy as the critical 21st century skill and the growing need to help young people to develop critical thinking skills in understanding and interpreting the ubiquitous media world and its impact upon the changing youth culture – in terms of its use of time, thinking, priorities, decisions, actions, and values – and the implications for possible changes in our media literacy efforts in our schools and youth-oriented organizations.

We Media

March 9, 2010 - March 11, 2010
Miami FL

We Media connects individuals and organizations from across industries who believe the power of media, communication and human ingenuity should be applied to innovate in business AND to make the world better through media. Leaders from all sectors, fields and disciplines join enterprising citizens in participatory programs, unscripted dialogue, workshops, demos and networking events aimed at using the power of our media to strengthen communities geographic and virtual.

Technology Conference and Expo

February 10, 2010 - February 12, 2010
Washington DC

Get ready for another top-notch, high-tech learning experience! The Conference is designed to equip associations and nonprofit organizations with the tools needed to keep pace with the rapidly changing world; to strategically use technology to better serve their members, effect social change and uphold their missions.

Allied Media Conference

June 18, 2010 - June 20, 2010
Detroit, MI

The Allied Media Conference is the central project of the Allied Media Projects (AMP) network, which emerges out of ten years of organic relationship-building. Since the first conference (then the Midwest Zine Conference) in 1999, people have been compelled by the concept of do-it-yourself media. Later, as the Underground Publishing Conference, the emphasis was on building a movement of alternative media makers. With the shift towards Allied Media, the AMC has attracted more and more people who are interested in using participatory media as a strategy for social justice organizing.

Visualising Social Media Reporting


This Social Media Report shows the results of a survey given to members visiting the Community Center of Saint Bernard. It is useful in providing this information in a meaningful and engaging format.

The Message is in the Music: Hip Hop Feminism, Riot Grrrl, Latina Music, and More

March 5, 2010 - March 6, 2010
Bronxville, NY

Twelfth Annual Women’s History Month Conference
at Sarah Lawrence College
Bronxville, New York

Friday & Saturday, March 5 & 6, 2010

Keynote speaker: Carmen Ashhurst, former president of Def Jam Recordings and Rush Communications, and author of the forthcoming book, Selling My Brothers: The Movement, The Media and Me

Workshop - “Can News Media Survive the Internet Age? Competition, Consumer Protection, and First Amendment Perspectives.”

September 15, 2009
Washington, DC

The news industry is in transition. Newspapers have lost much of their classified advertising revenues to online services, and some question how they will weather the development of targeted behavioral and other online advertising, online news aggregators, and other factors. How cable, broadcast, and other news organizations will respond to similar challenges is under discussion. Some predict that in a few years, television and radio will find themselves in situations similar to those facing newspapers.

Transmission Project