Boat People SOS - Virginia

We are a national Vietnamese-American community-based organization with the mission to “empower, organize, and equip Vietnamese individuals and communities in their pursuit of liberty and dignity.”
Since 1980, one in 10 Vietnamese Americans has received assistance from BPSOS while still in Vietnam, on the high seas, in a refugee camp, or after arriving in the United States.
Through our 18 office locations in the U.S. and four office locations in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, we provide a web of services to support individuals, families, and communities.
Supported Projects
CTC Implementation and Program Building
I am currently a Community Technology Center (CTC) VISTA working at BPSOS’s national headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia. Thus, the primary goal for this year of service is to assist in the management of a Community Technology Center: a centrally-located space providing technological access to community members who would otherwise not have said access.
Goal 1: Set up and operate CTC
Goal 2: Provide computer skills/ English skills to target population.
Goal 3: Assist community groups in setting up CTCs.
Goal 4: Produce a video on BPSOS CTCs/Survivor Services Dept.
Goal 5: Make the FAIR program self-sufficient
Goal 6: Establish an after-school mentoring programs for youth.
Goal 7: Create webpage for volunteer recruitment and development.
Goal 8: Contribute to BPSOS’s Domestic Violence Program, Housing programs, and national website
Goal 9: Acquire a client base for BPSOS’s publishing company
Between the months of September and December, I worked with my fellow VISTA, Co Kim Oanh, and my supervisor, Bach Pham, to reaffirm community contacts by recruiting volunteers, outreaching to prospective clients, and acquiring space for a CTC. While Bach worked with BPSOS’s IT guy to acquire computers, I focused on recruiting volunteers to teach a series of Computer Literacy/ESL classes to current BPSOS clients. Through websites and phone calls, we recruited a small group of 4-5 volunteers that agreed to teach ESL/Computer Literacy combo classes.
CTC Implementation and Program Building
BPSOS’s project ACCESS, Access to Computers for Community Empowerment, Support and Services, hopes to improve English fluency and the acquisition of computer skills in the low-income community. The VISTA members will work on the following tasks:
1. Work with community groups to identify youth needing the service and mobilize their participation in the program.
2. Set up neighborhood-based classes. This involves identification of additional resources to support these classes (such as donated computers, text books, class space, supplies).
3. Teach ESL and computer classes. This will include tailoring existing class materials to the needs of the target population.
4. Recruit, train, and coordinate volunteers to serve as instructors and mentors.
5. Encourage parents to take part in the education of their children.
CTC Program Building
Goal 1: Provide basic computer skills to target population.
a. Set up CTC in Hampton.
b. Recruit and train 2 ESL and computer instructors.
c. Enroll 5 students for ESL class and 5 students for computer class.
d. Set up local Steering Committee for the implementation of BPSOS programs.
e. Organize workshops on life skills and community needs.
Goal 2: Provide ESL for target population.
a. 4 students will complete the 3-month computer class.
b. Set up after-school activities for youth at CTC.
Goal 3: Human Services.
a. Start citizenship classes.
b. Recruit students for citizenship classes.
c. Help students apply for naturalization, fee waiver, and disability waiver.
Goal 4: Vietnamese-language newspaper.
a. Survey local human services.
b. Organization workshops on human services.
c. Set up a referral service with interpretation and translation to persons with limited English proficiency.
d. Publish a Vietnamese language newsletter covering human services.
e. Train volunteers to help with outreach activities.
When James first joined Boat People S.O.S. (BPSOS) as an AmeriCorps*VISTA Member he was assigned multiple tasks as set forth in his AmeriCorps*VISTA Member Assignment Description. He was able to successfully complete the objectives of Goal 1 for Quarter 1. However, he was not able to complete Objective 2a, to implement an ESL class at the House for Senior Citizens at the Lockwood/Elmwood in Arlington, Virginia for two reasons. First, the occupants did not feel the ESL class was necessary (they were only interested in learning about the Internet and computers). Second, James was not able to recruit a volunteer to teach the class. He did successfully complete Objectives 2b and 2c.
For Quarter 3, James assisted a BPSOS staff in setting up new program for Victims of Trafficking. He worked on this program for approximately one month and then he assisted another staff member with the Tax Assistance for Vietnamese Immigrants with Low Income (TAVILLI) program. From January 1 through April 23, he organized tax preparation sessions 3 days a week, 2 hours each session. He recruited volunteers and established a database containing names of volunteers that may help with future tax clinics. He went out in the Vietnamese community and distributed 800 flyers advertising free tax preparation. He enrolled 300 individuals for tax preparation, and kept a database of those individuals. When he enrolled the individuals for tax preparation, he gave out a needs assessment/opinion survey for them to complete. This survey informed individuals about programs available at BPSOS (computer, ESL and etc…).
Unfortunately, he was unable to complete the objectives as stated in Quarter 4 before the end of his one-year service because the first issue of BPSOS Mach Song was not published until July 2002. However, he did update BPSOS newsletter database. This database contains names of past and current BPSOS clients as well as others who want to receive the newsletter in the mail. Articles written in the newsletter highlight human-interest stories as well as provide information of services available to individuals.
CTC Program Building
Goal 1: Set up project
a. Set up a CTC at Asian Town.
b. Recruit and train 3 computer instructors.
c. Develop a basic computer curriculum.
d. Enroll 20 students for computer class.
Goal 2: Provide basic computer and set up ESL classes for target population.
a. 15 students will complete the 3-month computer class.
b. Develop and English curriculum.
c. Enroll 15 students for ESL class.
Goal 3: Provide basic computer and English skills to target population.
a. 15 additional students will complete the computer class.
b. 15 additional students will complete ESL class.
Goal 4: Improve access to services.
a. Set up a referral service with interpretation and translation provided to persons with limited English proficiency.
b. Organize workshops on human services and radio talk shows.
c. Assist a local community-based organization in capacity building.
d. Write monthly articles for BPSOS newsletter.
Goal 1: Set up project
Objective 1a through 1d have been completed. Please look at previous completed Project Work Plan and narrative.
Goal 2: Provide basic computer and set up ESL classes for target population.
Objective 2a through 2c have been complete. Please look at previous completed Project Work Plan and narrative.
Goal 3: Provide basic computer and English skills to target population
a: 14 students were enrolled and 3 completed the class.
b: 11 students were enrolled and 5 completed the class.
Goal 4: Improve access to services.
a: This task has been completed. Please look at previous Project Work Plan and narrative.
b: Please see explanation in narrative.
c: Please see explanation in narrative.
d: No, this task was not completed.
CTC Implementation and Program Building
BPSOS’s project ACCESS, Access to Computers for Community Empowerment, Support and Services, hopes to improve English fluency and the acquisition of computer skills in the low-income community. The VISTA members will work on the following tasks:
1. Work with community groups to identify youth needing the service and mobilize their participation in the program.
2. Set up neighborhood-based classes. This involves identification of additional resources to support these classes (such as donated computers, text books, class space, supplies).
3. Teach ESL and computer classes. This will include tailoring existing class materials to the needs of the target population.
4. Recruit, train, and coordinate volunteers to serve as instructors and mentors.
5. Encourage parents to take part in the education of their children.
CTC Implementation and Program Building
BPSOS’s project ACCESS, Access to Computers for Community Empowerment, Support and Services, hopes to improve English fluency and the acquisition of computer skills in the low-income community. The VISTA members will work on the following tasks:
1. Work with community groups to identify youth needing the service and mobilize their participation in the program.
2. Set up neighborhood-based classes. This involves identification of additional resources to support these classes (such as donated computers, text books, class space, supplies).
3. Teach ESL and computer classes. This will include tailoring existing class materials to the needs of the target population.
4. Recruit, train, and coordinate volunteers to serve as instructors and mentors.
5. Encourage parents to take part in the education of their children.
CTC Implementation and Program Building
BPSOS’s project ACCESS, Access to Computers for Community Empowerment, Support and Services, hopes to improve English fluency and the acquisition of computer skills in the low-income community. The VISTA members will work on the following tasks:
1. Work with community groups to identify youth needing the service and mobilize their participation in the program.
2. Set up neighborhood-based classes. This involves identification of additional resources to support these classes (such as donated computers, text books, class space, supplies).
3. Teach ESL and computer classes. This will include tailoring existing class materials to the needs of the target population.
4. Recruit, train, and coordinate volunteers to serve as instructors and mentors.
5. Encourage parents to take part in the education of their children.
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