Philadelphia Independent Film and Video Association

The lead organization: PIFVA, founded by filmmakers in 1979, mission is to strengthen, promote and serve Philadelphia’s independent media community through programs which provide opportunities to learn, mentor, produce and screen work, advocate for the community and network. PIFVA is dedicated to increasing the creative capacity of Philadelphia media artists, promoting public appreciation of independent media making, and encouraging the talent and ability of the region’s creative community of filmmakers.
We support through grants and services, media makers who work to effect social change. We assist in sustaining their work.
Some of project goals are:
To increase access to new communication and information technologies.
To enable media makers access to tools to create work
To breakdown the digital divide, the gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology and those with very limited or no access at all.
To emphasize political change and increase political and social awareness and to raise awareness of the need for media literacy and a more public, democratic access to media.
Supported Projects
Website and Online Development
The Corps member will work closely with both PIFVA and Termite TV staff to analyze their technology plans, develop strategies and priorities, and implement the plans into concrete and visible results. The VISTA will move work develop websites, social media strategies, and online database/archiving system for both PIFVA and Termite TV.