Brookline Reads Video Access Promo Script & Voice Over
A promotional video for Brookline Access TV’s “Brookline Reads Video Contest”. Corps member Jessica Wholey wrote the script and did the voice over for the project.
See the video here:
Contest Flyer
A flyer detailing rules for a contest. Prepared by corps member Scott Reed.
Youth Video Contest Ad
This advertisement, created by Stephen Loverme serving at HOME, Inc. in Boston, is designed to get youth to create and edit a short video and upload it to Youtube
Contest Scoring Sheet for a Community Building Initiative, PINK House
This scoring sheet was designed to engage community members in learning more about their community and the organization. Designed by Renae Smack of Pink House in Charleston, SC, residents were challenged in a fun way and the winners received prizes. In the “My House, My Street, My Community” campaign, residents received points for home improvements (with pictures), bringing a friend to community meeting, and participating in a phone-tree.