These are events that have already taken place. For a list of upcoming events, click here.

FCC Broadband Workshop: Broadband Accessibility for People with Disabilities

October 20, 2009
Washington, DC and ONLINE

Barriers, Opportunities, and Policy Recommendations will continue the open discussion among the FCC and all who have a stake in the future of broadband and its accessibility for people with disabilities, including the disability community, network and service providers, equipment manufacturers, and software producers, technologists, economists, academics, representatives from trade associations and non-profits, and representatives from tribal, local, state, and federal governments.

The goal of this follow-up workshop is to clearly identify (i) accessibility and affordability barriers faced by people with disabilities in accessing broadband capabilities; (ii) opportunities that broadband can present for people with disabilities; and (iii) policy recommendations that will address the barriers to broadband for people with disabilities and maximize the opportunities related to broadband for people with disabilities.

In conjunction with the panels, there will be exhibits of assistive technologies that are used by people with disabilities to access broadband technologies as well as universally designed mass market broadband technologies that can be used by people with disabilities.

Alliance for Community Media Southeast Regional Conference

October 19, 2009 - October 21, 2009
Clemson, SC


October 17, 2009 - October 18, 2009
Washington, DC

On the weekend of October 17th at American University’s campus in Washington DC, NPR, PBS and the AU Center for Social Media will co-host a two-day event that we hope will serve as the kickoff for similar community collaboration events around the country. PublicMediaCamp is going to be organized as an unconference - an event without a rigid, top-down programmatic structure, with the sessions organized by the participants themselves. We’re modeling it on other unconferences like Barcamp and Podcamp, which have successfully spawned similar volunteer-driven events around the world, as well as public media unconferences that have been hosted by Minnesota Public Radio and KUSP in Santa Cruz, CA.

At PublicMediaCamp, we’re hoping to bring together as many as 300 people from around the country - public broadcasters, coders, community technology activists, citizen journalists, neighborhood organizers and the like - to begin this national conversation. It’s hard to say how the two days will be spent; I wouldn’t be surprised if we see techies engaging in code sprints, bloggers developing community journalism projects, community activists proposing station-hosted townhall meetings, etc. But that’s what’s exciting about unconferences – they are each as unique and powerful as the people who decide to participate.

We’ll also be teaching public broadcasters how to host their own their own local PublicMediaCamps, to get the ball rolling in their communities. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is funding for a number of scholarships for station staff to attend PublicMediaCamp and experience an unconference for themselves. We’re also working closely with Peter Corbett of iStrategyLabs, host of many successful DC-area unconferences, to help us create a “PublicMediaCamp-in-a-box” toolkit that will help stations work with their communities to organize unconferences of their own.

Grassroots Use of Technology Conference

October 16, 2009 - October 17, 2009
Boston, MA

Have you ever wanted to get your organization online right away with a website or blog? Did you ever wonder how Facebook or Twitter can be made useful for your outreach? How about using free and easy tech tools to schedule meetings, conference online or over the telephone?
What about those “webinars” and other tools to train your members? How about using online surveys to collect feedback or make decisions? And what about working with members across several different languages?

If any of these questions apply to you, the Grassroots Use of Technology Conference ( is for you!
Bring your laptop to the workshops and we’ll help you jumpstart your online presence before you leave!

$75 - Registration (includes breakfast and lunch on Saturday, Oct. 17th) 
$35 - Low income, student, or unemployed rate  (A limited number of scholarships are available, see website for details.

Here’s what’s going on:

The 10th Annual Grassroots Use of Technology Conference (GUT-C X)
takes place in just under 4 weeks!  - -
GUT-C X brings together hundreds of grassroots and social change organizers with media activists, writers, and techies from all over New England.

This year, we have an array of workshops that focus on social media and organizing work –geared towards both beginners and experts. Topics branch out into: creating websites, building rapid response networks, using databases and e-mail lists, fundraising and “micro” donations, community art, virtual worlds, and more. Rather than offering a blind “techno-lust,” the conference engages in levelheaded thinking about using the latest technologies towards the strategic objectives of an organization for both problem solving and

Organized in tandem with the National Writers Union’s Digital Media Conference, it will feature programming that looks at the implications of digital tech for content creation.  GUT-C X is looking forward to a diverse turnout from immigrants, communities of color, labor organizations, and peace movement groups and will also act as a platform for regional work on the Detroit 2010 US Social Forum! Conference highlights will include a keynote address, “Connecting the Disconnected,” by Professor Richard O’Bryant (Northeastern University) and a lunchtime dialogue between techies and organizers coordinated by smartMEME.

The primary conference organizers are the Organizers’ Collaborative, the John O’Bryant African American Institute, Boston Neighborhood Network TV, the National Writers Union, and Massachusetts Global Action. 

Bioneers Conference

October 15, 2009 - October 19, 2009
San Rafael, CA

The Bioneers Conference is a leading-edge forum—join us in San Rafael, California, October 16-18 (with intensives October 15 and 19). At this premiere environmental conference, social and scientific innovators focus on solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity.

The 2009 Bioneers Conference includes plenary speeches from: Amazonian Chief Almir, Brock Dolman, Kari Fulton, Jack Hidary, Sarah James, Jensine Larsen, Joanna Macy, Mari Margil, Jason McClennan, Michael Pollan, Jerome Ringo, Arturo Sandoval, Dr. Andrew Weil, Lily Yeh and more!

These visionaries are already creating the healthy, diverse, and more equitable world we want to live in—our legacy for future generations. Connect with engaged bioneers, who are making a real difference.

Boston Email Fundraising Bootcamp

October 7, 2009
Boston, MA

Idealware and Third Sector New England are thrilled to host the Boston Email Fundraising Bootcamp! The Bootcamp will be an intensive, activity-packed day to help you jumpstart your email fundraising efforts. Whether you are new to the world of email fundraising or just need a refresher, join us to hear from experts from Idealware, Firefly Partners, and Database Design Associates and get hands-on help from peers and consultants in designing your own email fundraising strategy. With a cap of 45 participants, everyone will benefit from individual advice tailored to their own organization.

You will learn how to:

* * Develop the appropriate strategy for your email campaign
* * Target the right audience and build your email list
* * Craft the right messaging to inspire people to take action
* * Write effective emails
* * Avoid spam filters
* * Choose broadcast email and online donations vendors
* * Develop an online donation landing page
* * Track your success

By the end of the day, you will be prepped with everything you need to know to launch your own email fundraising campaign in time for year-end appeals!

Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit 2009

October 4, 2009 - October 6, 2009
Washington, DC

Music, Technology, Policy and Law Goes Back to the Future

Since 2001, FMC has organized seven Policy Summits, each bringing together a spectacular mixture of technologists, attorneys, musicians, managers and industry leaders for compelling and thought-provoking discussions about issues that affect the future of music and the artists who will create it.

On October 4-6, 2009 join FMC at Georgetown University in Washington, DC for a fast-paced, multifaceted, multimedia event that’s sure to be among the most significant music conferences of the year.

The Everett C. Parker Ethics in Telecommunications Lecture

September 30, 2009
New York, NY

The Everett C. Parker Ethics in Telecommunications Lecture was created in 1982 to recognize Parker’s pioneering work as an advocate for the public’s rights in broadcasting. It is the only lecture in the country to examine telecommunications and the digital age from an ethical perspective.

Parker speakers include network presidents, Congressional leaders, FCC chairs and commissioners, as well as academics, cable and telephone executives, and journalists. It is funded by the communications industry, particularly broadcasters, along with the communications offices of major faith groups.

Web of Change

September 23, 2009 - September 27, 2009
Cortes Island, BC

Hosted on BC’s remote Cortes Island, in the intimate setting of Hollyhock, Web of Change provides senior technology and social media leaders with the opportunity to share their world-class work, ideas, and inspiration with a powerful community of deeply committed peers. This is a transformative event that:

* pushes the edges of technical and campaign innovation
* models a culture of deep collaboration already present in our sector
* shares leading organizational change and leadership frameworks
* all in service to the transformative change our world and our communities so desperately need

With the continued boom in the social tech space across nearly every organization, this year promises to be another incredible experience and community gathering point that you won’t find anywhere else.

PRPD's 2009 Public Radio Programming Conference

September 15, 2009 - September 18, 2009
Cleveland, OH

The 22nd Annual Public Radio Programming Conference is an opportunity for those involved or interested in programming to hone their skills, network with colleagues, find answers to questions and spend four days immersed in the pursuit of excellent content.To keep your travel costs affordable (and green), we have arranged:

1. A week-long transit pass included in your registration fee - unlimited use of RTA including:

a) Roundtrip rail to & from the airport & conference hotel - Easy, non-stop, all-indoors
b) Direct transportation to & from:

o Opening Receptions at Idea Center (WCPN) and House of Blues (WKSU),
o The Moth (Wed. event) at the City Club of Cleveland

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