Featured Storytelling Resources
Digital Storytelling Resource Guide
A resource guide developed by Digital Arts Service Corps VISTA Leader Erica Jones and 4 other VISTA Leaders to highlight the importance of telling the VISTA Leader Story, the basics of storytelling, and the tools available to create and tell a story.
They also collected VISTA Leaders stories and included them in a video for further illustrating concepts around digital storytelling: http://www.youtube.com/ejquoteunquote#p/u
Digital Histories Video
Promotional video about Little Tokyo Center’s Digital History program to promote their new project DIY Productions made by corps member Melissa Niiya.
Podcasting and Storytelling Curriculum
The first chapter of DIY Radio: Podcast This! a storytelling for internet radio and podcasting curriculum created by corps member Melissa Niiya
Feeding Our Identities
Created in the Reel Grrls intro program in 2009, “Feeding our Identities” is a young woman’s story of understanding and appreciating her individual culture and celebrating her friends through food. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmW0tMGRR6M.
CTC Volunteer Stories
An article detailing the personal stories of CTC volunteers. Prepared by corps member Scott Reed.