Gov 2.0 Summit
Gov 2.0 Summit brings together innovators from government and the private sector to highlight technology and ideas that can be applied to the nation’s great challenges. In areas as diverse as education, health care, energy, jobs, and financial reform, there are unique opportunities to rethink how government agencies perform their mission and serve our citizens. Social media, cloud computing, web, and mobile technologies—all provide new capabilities that government agencies are beginning to harness to achieve demonstrably better results at lower cost.
1st Chicago Neighborhood Digital Excellence Conference And Technology Fair
What is “digital excellence”? What does it mean for community and economic development, job creation, and connecting neighborhoods in Chicago? How do we create a “culture of use’ for digital tools and resources driven by “digital excellence”? What does “digital excellence” mean for how you and all of us work with each other in a city that wants to be a global player in the 21st century digital world?
Guide: Service Corps to Social Impact Career
Amy Potthast of just released a new guide for service corps members who wish to transition to a career in nonprofits. The guide is a free download and a companion to their Idealist Guides to Nonprofit Careers.