Third Coast Conference
Ready to spend two + days with hundreds of fellow producers, artists, students, and audio enthusiasts, talking shop about radio/audio storytelling on the airwaves and beyond? Ready to come together, listen to each other’s work, share ideas and expertise, and make priceless connections with future colleagues and new friends?
Thought so. This fall marks our tenth (!) anniversary, and we hope you’ll celebrate with us over the course of another radio-drenched weekend here in Chicago.
We’ve lined up some amazing presenters like…Scott Carrier (Independent), Berit Hedemann (Norway), Amy O’Leary (New York Times), Jamie Tarabay (NPR), and Steven Tilley (AUS). These and many other radio pros will be tackling a wide range of topics, like… sound design, voicing, pitching stories, audio slide shows, audio tours, capturing “the moment”, equipment and software recommendations, and reporting from unfamiliar places. And that’s just a taste.