Featured Outreach Resources

Member's Survey

Access Humboldt

A Member’s Survey form created by corps member Sam Kaplan.

The results (of the survey) will help us (Access Humboldt) determine the following: A) how to improve our courses, equipment rentals, production services, and available software; B) what other courses, equipment rentals, production services, and software to offer to members.”

Outreach Documentation Blog

Squeaky Wheel

Corps member Goda Trakumaite describes her Outreach Documentation Blog: “I keep a detailed record of every outreach event I do on this password protected blog accessible to the whole office. Along with some photos documenting the event and a reflection of how it went, who attended, what worked and what did not work, I upload all materials that were either used for or produced during the event. That way anyone can replicate a particular presentation while also making the changes that I might suggest making in the reflections.

SWOT Analysis


A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis corps member Ericha Hager conducted at each of the stations participating in the NorCal Regional Collaborative to identify the best points of collaboration within the group. Ericha conducted individual interviews with staff members at each station (and in some cases, group discussions) and compiled a SWOT analysis focusing on the four areas of emphasis within the collaborative (production; education/youth media; fundraising; technology).

Outreach Presentation Outline & Resources

Squeaky Wheel

A general outline for giving a presentation or workshop for outreach purposes created by corps member Goda Trakumaite. Also included is a list of questions for a media creation and media literacy workshop that she often gives at the end of her presentations.

Database of Potential Community Partners

Brookline Access TV

A spreadsheet created by corps member Jessica Wholey for Brookline Access TV with detailed info on community organizations, how/if they’ve worked with them in the past and how they might work with them in the future.

Digital Media Questionnaire

Access Humboldt

A Digital Media Questionnaire that corps member Sam Kaplan created at Access Humboldt to survey Humboldt County digital media resources (institutions, organizations, programs, festivals, businesses, schools/classes, etc.) to determine what areas of the county and/or specific populations are most in need of additional digital media programs, and what types of digital media programs are most needed.

Outreach Manual


A comprehensive beginners’ guide to doing community outreach. Written by corps member Erica Jones.

Transmission Project