
Open Media Project Developer

VISTA Name: 
John Montgomery
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

We look to CTC Vistas to develop connections between our development team and the communities they serve. In regards to the Open Media Project, this means building strong systems for handling and documenting communication as well as educating participants on the framework.

1. Manage documentation of the Open Media Project, interacting with developers and end-users to ensure that documentation provides the desired level of accessibility and access to our tools and model for organizations hoping to replicate our approach.
2. Work with developers to assist in the integration of their tools at Denver Open Media and partner stations.
3. Work with clients and members to test and provide feedback on the tool-set.

Project Outcome: 

#1. All Open Media Project modules released and updated, including the install profile available at Along with the module updates, John spent significant time educating the community on the various pieces, as well as improving the documentation available at for the entire module suite. John was helped in this endeavor by our development team.

#2. John helped us work through our first official Open Media Project consulting endeavor with the Bay Area Video Coalition. While this project did not succeed to completion, much of the process was documented by John including budgets, meetings, objectives, successes and failures which is already influencing our subsequent projects.

#3. Now that we are a few months beyond the end of John’s vistaship, I can say with confidence that we succeeded to a large extent in community adoption of the toolset. At this point, 3 of the original beta partners are continuing to implement and further develop the Open Media Project tools and discussion continues weekly at A good portion of the success should be attributed to John, as he served as the project manager and primary community contact over the past two years.

John did an excellent job of providing a bridge between our technology department and our own Public Access Television station (Denver Open Media). The relationship started as John began volunteering and participating at DOM with our station director. This relationship continued to improve over the two years John was here, and many systematic changes were made that continue on – the most significant are our producer website training sessions, as well as a consistent focus as a department on website usability.

Online Outreach and CTC Implementation

VISTA Name: 
Rachel Rose Sandow
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

This project grew out of a strategic assessment and will improve communication with collaborative partners, constituents and improve the utilization of an existing organizational resource. There will be three components:

Development of sustainable communications strategies: E-newletter - To communicate with supporters, collaborators and constituents on a regular basis. The development of an agency brochure and template that can be updated or reused for new programs.

Web-site: To up-grade and improve web-site with information and links to Southeast Asian resources for adults and youth. To provide detail about accessing basic services that supports the work of SEDC’s case managers and links Southeast Asian communities nationally.

Computer Lab: An underutilized resource, provide technical support, develop policies for use and maintenance. Research opportunities for free and low-cost software. Solicit college student volunteer to staff computer lab and work with clients.

Goal 1: Improve communications with constituencies
Goal 2: Re-open Computer Lab

Project Outcome: 

The VISTA member worked along with SEDC staff to improve communication and collaboration throughout the agency. She developed a sustainable communications strategies, including starting up SEDC Web-site and maintained the site throughout. She interviewed staff and wrote the contents for the web. She established newsletter and distributed widely in the community. She also assisted in setting up computer lab for after school children to use. She spearheaded on all of these projects by collaborating with SEDC staff. The projects that she worked on are still active and we hope to continue it for many more years.

Online Community Manager

VISTA Name: 
Rachel Allen
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The Corps member will layout the foundation for a strong and robust social media network, where NAMAC can model behaviors and techniques, and then, in turn teach them to NAMAC’s membership. The Corps member would be able to help create the social media plan, implement and refine it, and develop it further through the duration of service. The overreaching goal is to connect real people to people, and to develop long-lasting professional relationships that can enhance the capabilities of NAMAC’s nonprofit members.

Website and Online Development

VISTA Name: 
Philip Dahl
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The Corps member will work closely with both PIFVA and Termite TV staff to analyze their technology plans, develop strategies and priorities, and implement the plans into concrete and visible results. The VISTA will move work develop websites, social media strategies, and online database/archiving system for both PIFVA and Termite TV.

eLearning Project Developer

VISTA Name: 
Colin Pizarek
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The VISTA will develop and manage Idealware’s eLearning Training Initiative. The eLearning Training Initiative will help Idealware to transform their current on-line training programs into an on-demand training library which takes advantage of current eLearning best practices. The VISTA will work with the Idealware team to define an eLearning strategy to deliver training to help non-profits choose software. They will then package curriculum materials that Idealware has already developed to be optimally viewed as screencasts, software demos and more, as well as create new modules to fill content gaps and expand Idealware’s scope of offerings. The VISTA will also work with staff and consultants to develop the technology to appropriately sell packages and individual online trainings, help to facilitate and administrate Idealware’s current live training, and train Idealware staff in the skills to continue to maintain the training library and create new vidoes after the VISTA term expires.

eLearning Project Developer

VISTA Name: 
Colin Pizarek
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The VISTA will develop and manage Idealware’s eLearning Training Initiative. The eLearning Training Initiative will help Idealware to transform their current on-line training programs into an on-demand training library which takes advantage of current eLearning best practices. The VISTA will work with the Idealware team to define an eLearning strategy to deliver training to help non-profits choose software. They will then package curriculum materials that Idealware has already developed to be optimally viewed as screencasts, software demos and more, as well as create new modules to fill content gaps and expand Idealware’s scope of offerings. The VISTA will also work with staff and consultants to develop the technology to appropriately sell packages and individual online trainings, help to facilitate and administrate Idealware’s current live training, and train Idealware staff in the skills to continue to maintain the training library and create new vidoes after the VISTA term expires.

Research and Technology VISTA

Prometheus Radio Project
VISTA Name: 
Katie Ingersoll
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The VISTA will assist Prometheus Radio Project in researching and evaluating data to better understand the current regulatory landscape in the world of community radio.

First, the VISTA will survey stations and review FCC data to create a “snapshot” of the regulatory landscape for community radio in 2011. Issues addressed may include encroachment from full power stations, interference from digital radio signals, anticipated new eligibility requirements for low power stations, and the impact of rule changes surrounding the relative priority of low power stations and translators. The snapshot will inform out advocacy, helping us to prioritize our efforts and support our statements to the FCC. Documents produced by the VISTA will be made available to other media justice organizations, to better inform their work in field of public media and technology.

Second, the VISTA will launch a new effort to involve stations in their own regulatory advocacy by developing and promoting an “FCC Comment Tool” and related resources, such as a guide to FCC participation and an online forum on regulatory advocacy. Together, these efforts will support an informed and active community radio sector.

Outreach Coordinator

Brookline Access TV
VISTA Name: 
Jessica Wholey
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The VISTA will network and meet with collaborating, partner, and support organization in Brookline and the Boston area and provide those organizations with guidance and technical assistance in media and technology program development. Develop a volunteer recruitment and management program for BATV, website support and development, and grant writing and research.

Curricula Development and Program Building

VISTA Name: 
Molly Higgins
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

While being involved with some of CAPAY’s youth/community/media programming plans, our proposed 2009-2010 VISTA member, will primarily be responsible for enhancing CAPAY’s current and future organizational capacity

Goal 1: Activate and mobilize CAPAY’s alumni network to provide increased/ongoing resources
Goal 2: Using Web 2.0 tools to support and streamline organizational communications, mapping of organizational assets (including alumni networking), and outreach/promotion.
Goal 3: Initiate and nurture long-term organizational partnerships in addition to shorter-term project-based collaborations.
Goal 4: Develop assessment and reflection tools with which to document short-and long-term impact of CAPAY program and project participation on youth participants, community members/organizations, and CAPAY alumni
Goal 5: Expand CAPAY’s financial base, including earned income, donations, and grant development.

Molly’s main role in the 2010-2011 service year will be to collect and organize pre-existing content, produce some original content, and produce/package training materials for staff and volunteers to take over the project. This includes archiving CAPAY’s collections of resources and workshops and digitizing them for the CAPAY website and also developing a training curricula that could potentially be used as a revenue stream for CAPAY in the future. The VISTA will also partake in fundraising and grant writing for the program.

Project Outcome: 

our VISTA member goals for 2009-2010 were: - Provide staff support to assist organizational members in convening and revitalizing the CAPAY Alumni Network. - Develop community partnerships and collaborations, including youth/community internship sites, to build sustainability of the program into future years. - Develop grant/funding proposals and enhance CAPAY’s funder networks in conjunction with CAPAY staff and Adult Advisory Board. - Organize grassroots fundraising events for CAPAY programs. - administer/maintain CAPAY’s website and Web 2.0 presence (e.g., updating Facebook, Youtube, Google maps, etc) while exploring possibilities for online revenue streams and other relevant sources of earned income. - Develop assessment and reflection tools with which to document short-and long-term impact of CAPAY program and project participation on youth participants, community members/organizations, and CAPAY alumni. Molly was successful in implementing Web 2.0 tools to support and streamline organizational communications. She took over the management of CAPAY’s communications, including CAPAY’s Facebooks and listserve. She worked closely with the CAPAY coordinator Tri Quach to integrate Web 2.0 tools into the new CAPAY website. This includes the development of CAPAY’s media portal, designed to gather Asian American media such as digital stories, blogs, and artist websites (including original CAPAY content). She also worked with one of the CAPAY youth to develop a city-wide blog for youth organizing. Molly made progress in initiating and nurturing long and short term partnerships with other organizations. This includes the promotional video she made with other UMass Boston students for MASAE, a local basketball team. She successfully planned and administered all of the CAPAY YouthLearn internships at other organizations, including UMass Boston’s Asian American Studies Program, BCNC, AACA, ATASK, AFH, and Close to Home. Molly re-established connections with CAPAY alumni, the Alumni Network, which has been meeting actively since June to develop fundraising initiatives and to provide planning assistance and support for the November 2010 CAPAY youth symposium. Molly developed several grant proposals that are pending review.

Molly’s organizing and facilitation with these other Asian American youth programs led to the creation of a Steering Committee (SC) representing the Asian American Civic Association’s Youth Center, the Asian Community Development Corporation’s A-VOYCE, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center’s YouLead, and the Chinese Progressive Association’s Chinese Youth Initiative, along with CAPAY. This is an unprecedented accomplishment in terms of Boston Asian American community youth capacity-building and provides an organizational framework to foster programmatic collaboration and coordination, shared research and advocacy, and joint grant submissions.

Website Design and Analysis

VISTA Name: 
Caitlin Flint
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The Corps member would be working directly to collect data, conduct analysis, research innovations, and provide recommendations on how to enhance and improve The corps member’s role would be to gather and analyze user feedback and comments, provide responses and information to user questions, collect and promote stores form communities on the ground, and brainstorm and think through ways to improve and enhance trainings and structure of to increase usability and accessibility.

Transmission Project