curriculum development

VISTA Leader

VISTA Name: 
Jules Goins
Program Start: 
Project Outcome: 

Jules has been a superb VISTA Leader during his past year with the Transmission Project. Jules is innovative and he engages outside knowledge and experts to solve problems and bring in more diverse viewpoints and experience.

In his role as VISTA Leader, Jules managed an effective team of 26 VISTA members: he has encouraged group cooperation and participation and has consistently facilitated effective resource and knowledge sharing. During the year, he has moderated conference calls and worked one-on-one with VISTA members to ensure that their service is meaningful and effective. He has greatly expanded our library of IVSTA-created resources and has acted as an effective resource-librarian when members have voiced needs or challenges.

Beyond his VISTA Leader responsibilities, Jules has accepted broad responsibility for helping to build the capacity of the CTC VISTA Project. In this role, he took the lead in further developing our training and member development curriculum. In addition to the 12-part training series he designed and oversaw, he sought out 5 external trainers and facilitators to deliver training, Jules has been instrumental in enlarging the knowledge an ability of our VISTA members and will be leaving behind him a solid training foundation upon which to build for future years.

Jules has brought great skills, experience and understanding to the Transmission Project. We have greatly benefited by his service.

Media Liaison

VISTA Name: 
Guillermo Madrigal
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

The Media liaison will manage digital video library, train staff members on video and editing equipment/software, work with teh video instructor to manage the video program. The VISTA will also be working the LTC to film and edit community events that involve young people.

- Create, organize and manage the UTEC video library
- Record, edit and package future UTEC live events for addition to the video library
- Serve as primary contact for multimedia inquiries between UTEC, LTC, and other non-profits
- Assist UTEC graphic design team, as needed
- Attend video training courses as appropriate

Project Outcome: 

- Started UTEC’s digital video library, archiving media from youth video projects
- Coordinated with LTC, the local cable access TV station, to develop youth media projects
- In the process of developing a curriculum and staff training program to continue offering youth media programs

Youth Media Coordinator

Boston Neighborhood Network
VISTA Name: 
Julie Bohnlein
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

Julie will be working with youth to build a youth-lead media production club. Her role will be to help the youth members to establish a program structure, volunteer mentoring and instructional, and production guidelines for youth lead video projects. She will be working closely on these activities with our Multimedia Coordinator. Part of the position requires that she assist in the development of new media/technology curriculum based on past participant evaluations. A major goal is to increase youth participation and leadership to the point that the club is able to produce a once a week program made by teens for cablecast on our channels.

- Assist in further development of BNN’s youth media arts and technology services and training, including assessment, curriculum development and coordination of instructional offerings.
- Outreach to Boston teens, especially at-risk youth, to recruit interest in media-making at BNN. Work with other youth-serving organizations, develop promotional materials (print and video), survey past participants, and assist with planning improvements.
- Develop youth media club to provide regular opportunity for sustainable involvement of youth participants beyond duration of workshops.
- Help identify potential funding sources for club, mentors and training scholarships
- Provide individual assistance to youth and other BNN members as they develop the technical and creative skills necessary to assume leadership roles within the program
- Collaborate with and support youth-based initiatives with community partners and organizations

Media Watch Team Social Media Development

VISTA Name: 
Colleen Kelly
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

- Develop fund raising campaigns
- Develop personalized blogs for Media Watch Team members and citizen journalists
- Assist in the training Media Watch Team members and other staff in absic digital media authoring, such as video blogging
- Create a packaged curriculum for train-the-trainer workshops for digital media creation and facilitate the actual workshops
- Implement a membership system for online resources
- develop relationships with community leaders and organizations for building a strong youth media network in Boston

Project Outcome: 

Organized web resource area and assisted in the production of outreach and PR materials.

Event Planning

VISTA Name: 
Michael Eagle
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

- Increase attendance at CTOC events
- Help coordinate CTOC events
- Assist in the development of a training curriculum for Train the Trainer events
- Assist in evaluation of CTOC’s project activities
- Assist in fund raising efforts

CTC Volunteer Coordinator

VISTA Name: 
Jennifer Drewyor
Project Description: 

Jenny will assist Waite House to staff its CTC by building capacity. Develop a a technology task committee for the Phillips Neighborhood. She will also be in charge of coordinating Waite House Community Technology Center and all the activities that related to the program.

Volunteer Recruitment, curriculum development, creation of a neighborhood CTC task force, training of youth and adult workers in technology.

DISKovery Computer Learning Center Development

VISTA Name: 
Daniel Sheen
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

- Support the development of a volunteer team of computer trainers and technicians
- Coordinate our program website and design print materials as a function of outreach activities
- Help establish curriculum models and evaluative procedures for improved lesson delivery, effective instruction, and replication
- Develop an afterschool program for at-risk, high-school aged youth designed to train participants in high-level computer-based skills
- Support small minority business efforts by providing pro-bono web development services to local shops and restaurants

CTC Volunteer Coordinator

VISTA Name: 
Julia Smith
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The CTC/VISTA member’s duties centered around four main concerns of MCL’s CTLC: Coordination of volunteers and students, developing resources and documenting progress, and assisting with public relations and awareness.

Her coordination duties included: recruiting and screening of potential tech tutors and students for the CTC at MCL; matching tutors with students seeking 1:1 help and scheduling small group computer instruction; and overseeing instruction – checking with tutors and students to ensure all was progressing well and giving support where needed.

Development of resources included: creating and implementing a quality training process for tech tutors, implementing assessment tools to measure student’s progress; collecting and organizing curriculum and activity ideas for use in the CTC; and researching instruction options for special needs populations such as the disabled, limited English proficient, and low-literate adults.

The documentation of progress included developing and implementing systems to collect student and volunteer data, and collecting and reporting data to the CTLC Project Manager. The VISTA member was also asked to assist with the planning and execution of public relation activities, research best practices at similar CTLCs, research funding opportunities, and serve as a member of MCL’s Technology Committee.

Project Outcome: 

The VISTA member developed a system for registering & assessing potential students, and implemented an already existing system for screening and orienting volunteer tech tutors. She successfully scheduled, oversaw, and supported small group computer instruction throughout her year of service (65 students enrolled in various small groups), and also weekly managed drop-in labs for all students. She successfully recruited qualified & dedicated volunteer tech tutors. She screened, oriented and supported those tutors and organized regular roundtable and recognition events for them. She began collecting and organizing curriculum and activity ideas for use in the CTC and developed a syllabus and curriculum for limited English proficient, immigrant students. She completed a draft of MCL’s CTC Operation Manual. She collected and reported volunteer and student data. As part of our public relations efforts, she developed contacts in the community with the local radio station, local cable company, Senior Center, and Employment Security Office (Work Source).

Working with our Americorps member, the VISTA member produced a useful novice level curriculum for ESL students. This will enable our limited English proficient immigrant students to begin learning computer skills as they are learning English.

Marketing and Curriculum Development

VISTA Name: 
Rich Beckermeyer
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Outcome: 

Richard Beckermeyer led efforts to develop media curriculum and marketing materials for CMC’s California Voices program. This included the updating of an 80-page curriculum focused on digital storytelling and civic engagement in the after-school environment. Richard collaborated with about a half dozen staff in two regions to make the required changes and update the graphical appeal of the new curriculum. Richard was also helpful in troubleshooting technology and equipment problems in our Sacramento office and training staff in new programs.

CTC Implementation and Support

Friends of Tyler School
VISTA Name: 
Benedict Tisa
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The AmeriCorps*VISTA member will be responsible for the development of a FOTS community technology center to increase our capacity to help students, their families and other community adults to bridge the “digital divide.” In addition, the VISTA member and the new FOTS CTC will help FOTS to expand its capacity to implement its tutoring program and after-school classes that support the academic growth of our students.

- Assume responsibility as director of a small CTC
- Develop a digital and educational program
- Identify successful teaching tools at experienced CTCs and modify as needed to meet the needs of FOTS students
- Assist FOTS tutors, staff, students and adult family members to develop basic computer skills, including typing and word processing skills

Transmission Project