CTC assistance
CTC Development
The VISTAs duties will include strategic planning, staff training, technical support, seeking funding, and providing computer access to the populations served.
CTC Assistance and Training
The goal of this roject is to provide technology and technology related services to low-income families so they obtain better educational opportunities and higher paying jobs. Specific outcomes include:
- Increasing the amount of basic and advanced and basic technology classes being offered at the El Batey Community Technology Center
- Enhancing services provided to teenagers and youth
- Wiring the first 400 housing units in Villa Victoria with Internet access via cable modem
- Providing these families with a computer and printer
- Creating the Wide Area Network
To this end, the VISTA member will act as Program Coordinator and will work as a team with tech center staff to
- Develop and coordinate training programs
- Research and apply appropriate curricula
- Ensure the efficient operation of the CTC by preparing and publishing monthly activity schedules, coordinating volunteers and trainers, providing trainer orientation, scheduling maintenance and repairs, coordinating technology upgrades and program expansion.
- Supervise activities hosted at the center
- Ensure that computers and other technologies operate smoothly, that upgrades are performed, that anti-virus and other security systems are implemented, and that machines are respected by the program participants and end-users
- Enforce Technology Center rules and policies
- Help network the community
Alison began to organize a youth web magazine: assembled a group of teenage editors to run the magazine, began their training, secured the support of various branches of the organization and began to build partnerships with other organizations who could provide training or other services.
CTC Assistance
Goal 1: Participate in, enhance and develop programs in host organizations that deepen and broaden the participating community’s use of technology in pre-school, after-school, adult education, literacy and other programs. These activities might include: developing materials or classes in languages other than English, staffing public access hours, developing and supporting volunteer resources, creating new initiatives for specific groups, such as seniors, very young children, working families, ore creating new initiatives for specific groups, such as seniors, very young children, working families, or creating Local Computer Resource Guides for particular neighborhoods.
Goal 2: Create, integrate and support tools and vehicles that strengthen the local network of CT providers such as shared web space, newsletter, joint trainings, meetings, and mini-conferences that facilitate organizational sharing of information, skills and resources with one another.
Goal 3: Create capacity in communities for their own members to become leaders. Develop training and internship opportunities for community members, target potential youth and adult leaders in the community, develop ways to support the growth of these leaders by including them in region-wide programs, introducing them to the array of programs in their own communities.
CTC Assistance
One of the main goals of the PREP Computer Training program is to provide the technology training needed for inner-city residents to get well-paying jobs. To do this, one of our long-term goals is to provide training needed for professional computer certifications.
We would use the Americorps*VISTA member to help run the walk-in computer lab as well as to help assist with some of our classes. In the walk-in lab, the VISTA members would help answer people’s questions and assist them in their work. They would also work with the youth staff that we have working in the lab.
The VISTA member would also assist in teaching our classes on Saturdays. VISTA members could assist with whatever class that suits their technical capabilities.
The third area VISTA members couls assist in is in providing computer training to youth in our after school program during the afternoon a couple of times a week.
Depending on the VISTA member’s technical capabilities, they may also assist in the technical support of the lab as well as helping work with the youth in our youth-run Web design business. For each of these areas, we would provide the VISTA member with training and mentors to help guide them.
CTC Assistance
One of the main goals of the PREP Computer Training program is to provide the technology training needed for inner-city residents to get well-paying jobs. To do this, one of our long-term goals is to provide training needed for professional computer certifications.
We would use the Americorps*VISTA member to help run the walk-in computer lab as well as to help assist with some of our classes. In the walk-in lab, the VISTA members would help answer people’s questions and assist them in their work. They would also work with the youth staff that we have working in the lab.
The VISTA member would also assist in teaching our classes on Saturdays. VISTA members could assist with whatever class that suits their technical capabilities.
The third area VISTA members couls assist in is in providing computer training to youth in our after school program during the afternoon a couple of times a week.
Depending on the VISTA member’s technical capabilities, they may also assist in the technical support of the lab as well as helping work with the youth in our youth-run Web design business. For each of these areas, we would provide the VISTA member with training and mentors to help guide them.
Youth Community Service Coordinator
VISTA Objectives to be Addressed:
Objective 1: To engage neighborhood young people in positive youth development and community service activities.
The project’s primary emphasis is on educational enrichment of youth in the 3rd – 8th grades that will lead to success in middle and high school years. This will be done in a four day per week after school program. Individualized basic skill tasks will be practiced daily, followed by enriching group learning activities chosen by students. A three day a week open lab will be available to other youth and adults who wish to use computers. Those who show leadership interests and technology abilities will be trained as computer lab assistants to help other youth access machines and software as well as help take care of the lab.
Objective 2: To provide children and youth with prevention and intervention services.
As a part of a larger neighborhood consortium the members will receive children and youth who enter the Center feeling unsafe and help them reach their family or other authorities for assistance.
Objective 3: To recruit and utilize community volunteers to expand and enhance services at AmeriCorps host sites and other organizations addressing community needs in the above areas.
AmeriCorps members will recruit tutors, group coaches and other volunteers for scheduled programs, open labs and lab technical help from many sources. They will use the media, including neighborhood outlets, church-related newsletters and bulletins, to inform the public of opportunities to serve. They will also make presentations at churches and other venues to recruit, and will provide follow-up and coordination of volunteers who are either committed or exploring the possibility of joining the Center lab staff. They will also use various occasions to recognize the work of the volunteers, including letters of thanks, recognition parties, and small tokens of appreciation.
Doreen attends collaborative meetings at Baden Street Center, Monroe County Youth Bureau, and Webster Recreation Center on a regular basis. She participates in their dance programs (Partner with Dazzle Theatre) and sports and health programs. She was instrumental in having 15 students participate in a filmmakers project, a collaboration between youth organizations, agencies, churches, WXXI, University of Rochester, and Road To Success. Youth were given an RCA video camera to shoot a 3 minute film. She instituted a case-management component to keep the participants/youth focused on their assignments/goals. She was able to recruit a significant number of volunteers over the period under review to repair computers, do etiquette training, and work on filmakers project.
“Our Church would not be able to financially support ongoing staffing of the Computer Technology Center. The VISTA member is competent and represents a vision and sustainable service to the community.”
- Doc. Peter Grinion, supervisor
CTC Tech Support and Technology Planning
1. Revise Webpage
2. Provide Tech Support/ Upgrade Computer Systems
3. Put together Technology Committee
4. Recruit volunteers to facilitate PC Basics Course
5. Offsite Tech Support
6. Documentation
7. Develop DLC’s Technology Plan
The CTCNet VISTA, Ben Pratt, has provided invaluable service to the Durham Literacy Center (DLC) this year. Ben has been able to collaborate with community partners and volunteers to specifically focus on technology and capacity building at DLC and other community technology centers in Durham. To date, he has completely overhauled DLC’s technical infrastructure, including our local area network, administrative computers, plus all computers at our CTC lab housed at our office. DLC also runs two other community labs at partner sites. Ben has made the labs more functional and accessible to our students and the general public. Additionally, Ben has spearheaded the development of an ad hoc technology committee where he recruited local leaders in technology and IT professionals to participate. This ad hoc committee has allowed DLC to establish standards for technology and implement best-practices for the use of technology with our adult learners. We foresee this committee as being adopted by our board of directors as a permanent committee and will develop a long overdue technology plan for our agency. We are also planning to get another VISTA next year to replace Ben. This technology committee will ensure a quick transition as well as training and consistent development of DLC’s technology infrastructure and instructional technology use.
Summary of Project Accomplishments
•Managed technical equipment donations
•Upgraded all PCs to W2K, installed Office XP or 2003
•Put web and mail services into production
•Managed PC Basics course
•Reorganized computer lab and replaced 8 aging lab computers
•Replaced or upgraded all of staff PCs
•Implemented and maintained Red hat Linux server with roaming profiles
•Wireless access is available throughout building by installing new Wireless Access Point
•Cleaned out technology closets
•Recruited technical volunteers and co-chaired technology committee that began the agency’s technology plan
•Came up with lab policies and implemented them
•Reorganized Network Neighborhood, making it easier to find files
•Got virus protection for all PCs
•Provided tech support to staff, volunteers, community/service partners and students
•Updated and maintained www.durhamliteracy.org website
•Organized and coordinated rollout of 40 new PCs from IBM which included software install and setup on servers and clients, hardware setup, and rollout
•Created documentation and materials for next VISTA
•Met with new VISTA to transfer knowledge and ideas
“Overall, this has been a superb use of resources provided by CTCNet and the VISTA project. It’s a win-win for both the agency and the VISTA.”
- Lizzie Ellis-Furlong, supervisor
CTC Assistance
The property which provided space for our lab was sold to another owner. The new owner wasn’t interested in keeping the programs. We move all equipment which was held in storage for more than 7 months. We partnered with another local property and we moved twice to new property. Finally, in April we move to the final location for the computer lab.
These moves hindered Angela’s work with the lab. However she was quite helpful in other areas. She wrote the first MLK grant which was funded. She provided research for many of the grants that have been developed during the 8 months of her stay. She developed the system for reporting and documenting for a new program brought on this year. She also developed the accounting and financial system documenting agency resources.
The computer lab is presently up and running. The Web sight was not developed, as no one at the agency has the skills to help Angela to develop the Web. She networked the computers to one laser printer and set up the eight new computers. She developed a training curriculum for use with the summer and after-school children.
The positive results of the MLK grant provide an environmental program to teach youth about the value of our planet. The youth also enjoyed a conference on “Discovering How Amazing you really are” and learning how to find the greatness within themselves.
CTC assistance
Judy’s main responsibilities were supervision of the lab, supervision of the Tech bus, grant writing, technical maintenance and marketing. When she was not able to find the answers she needed, Judy was very adept at doing research to enable her to accomplish her goals. For example, she was a member of several listservs that allowed her to bounce ideas off of others in the field.
Goal 1: Sustain current schedule of introductory classes offered in Cox Technology Lab while building stronger relationships within community and with businesses and other non-profits to build capacity
Goal 2: Program Development and Grant Writing
Goal 3: Develop plan to provide consistent technical support in lab
Program Development:
Developed curriculum for basic computer classes for both children and adults:
•Introduction to Microsoft Word
•Introduction to Microsoft Excel
•Introduction to the Internet & Email
•Introduction to Computers
Grant Writing:
•Solely wrote and applied for Hewlett-Packard hardware grant valued at $11,000 (January 2004)—not awarded.
•Collaborated with Occupational Training Services for San Diego Foundation grant, valued at $25,000 (February 2004)—not awarded.
•In process of applying for hardware through San Diego Futures Foundation. Update of this grant was received resulting in 16 refurbished Dell computers
•Applied for IMPACTPLUS grant (March 19)—not awarded.
•Waitt Family Foundation 2660 for Grand Reopening
•Created flyers and monthly calendars for tech lab classes
•Distributed to community centers, libraries, schools, community colleges, etc.
•Handed out flyers at YMCA games
•Marketing activities on on-going basis as needed (i.e., upcoming plans for Grand Re-Opening, etc.)
Networking/Relationship Building
•Attended monthly Community Tech meetings
•Attended 3 symposiums presented by San Diego Foundation
•Participated in planning committee for Black Family Technology Awareness Week
•Established ongoing relationship with the Urban League for technical support and guidance
Technical Support
•Currently studying for A+ certification exams and working on repairing broken computers in lab
•Brought in Futures Foundation to conduct tech assessment of lab—completed.
•Working on securing donated servers for lab
Tech Bus
•Assist children in using educational software on tech bus. Bus goes out 4 times a week to local elementary schools
•Buy new software for bus as needed—researched and purchased language and math programs
CTC assistance
Goal 1: Resident use of computer labs will increase substantially among both adults and youth.
Goal 2: Resident use of technology for community building and communication will increase substantially.
Goal 3: Public and private sector resources will enable the project to continue after Members leave.
• Completed a CTC lab inventory
• Set-up user registration database and survey form
• Established a set of rules and regulations for the users
• Set up regular computer classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the months of July
• Basic computer classes were taught with adults.
• Oversaw the operations of the CTC
• Working with volunteers to instruct basic classes
• Set up policies and procedures for new computer center
Due to circumstances outside of Antonio’s control (staff reduction at San Martin), Antonio had no supervision. It was decided that Antonio would try to work in the computer center at the new MAAC charter school. It turned out to be a good match. We feel that both Antonio and the Charter School have benefited from this new arrangement.