graphic design

Computers in the Home Flyer


A flyer promoting a computers in the home program created by corps member Devon Smolca for her home computer initiative, L@TCH.

Graphic Designer

Mobile Film School
VISTA Name: 
Amy Simon
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

Graphic and layout design for all MFS website, print and media materials to increase professional look and branding of MFS name.

- Liaison between MFS and AIR interactive web designers and developers to enhance the accessibility of our current website
- Propose and implement a new, more user-friendly design for the website
- Develop methods for increasing user-interaction with our website and online resources
- Research and develop affordable streaming videos technologies to implement on website
- Research and implement a more efficient transaction processing system for online donations
- Assist in the development, beta-testing, and implementation of a customized database and business management software
- Regularly update and maintain all content on website
- Monitor our online social networking participation
- Help improve and develop our internet presence

Project Outcome: 

Amy was the photographer and photo design editor for the Bowl-A-Roma fundraising event, the Bob Bullock Video project, and the Luling documentary workshop

Amy did the graphic layout and design for all business materials, workshops and events, including flyers, postcards, promo packets, program materials, business cards, manuals, proposals, signs, newsletters, and brochures.

Amy also did website design and development; she created page layouts and templates, icons, titles, drop down menus, picture galleries, and content.

Media Liaison

VISTA Name: 
Guillermo Madrigal
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

The Media liaison will manage digital video library, train staff members on video and editing equipment/software, work with teh video instructor to manage the video program. The VISTA will also be working the LTC to film and edit community events that involve young people.

- Create, organize and manage the UTEC video library
- Record, edit and package future UTEC live events for addition to the video library
- Serve as primary contact for multimedia inquiries between UTEC, LTC, and other non-profits
- Assist UTEC graphic design team, as needed
- Attend video training courses as appropriate

Project Outcome: 

- Started UTEC’s digital video library, archiving media from youth video projects
- Coordinated with LTC, the local cable access TV station, to develop youth media projects
- In the process of developing a curriculum and staff training program to continue offering youth media programs

Outreach Coordinator

VISTA Name: 
Meegan Kelly
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

The CTC AmeriCorps member will support our ongoing outreach and community development efforts. Meegan will work on a number of projects including: computer/internet digital literacy outreach, revitalize latino website, public outreach and education on media issues, and project assistance for MAIN

- recruit volunteers and service providers
- Project Coordination
- Public Speaking
- Write press releases
- Fundraising assistance
- Organize task forces/coalitions
- Conduct outreach
- Volunteer coordination
- Website administration
- Write training curricula; Train trainers
- Grant writing and research
- Database management
- Design brochures, posters
- Develop community partnerships
- Assist in project evaluation

Software Engineer

Community Software Lab
VISTA Name: 
Kamala Kalluri
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

Ms Kallrui will be part of the group working to automate our processes so we can grow from serving 30 organizations to serving 100 or more organizations.

- Create or select customer relations management database
- Automate services provisioning
- Improve tech support processes
- Other related technical duties assigned

Project Outcome: 

- Completed the downtime database
- Worked with several community groups to improve their websites
- Designed new business cards
- Participated in our presentation at the NTEN conference
- Updated our customer directory
- Developed application to measure server failures and failure causes
- Developed interface between teen center donor database and website to allow people to add themselves to the database
- Worked on installing and configuring photo gallery software on web server
- Installed and configured blog software, integrated it to website

DISKovery Computer Learning Center Development

VISTA Name: 
Daniel Sheen
Program Start: 
Project Description: 

- Support the development of a volunteer team of computer trainers and technicians
- Coordinate our program website and design print materials as a function of outreach activities
- Help establish curriculum models and evaluative procedures for improved lesson delivery, effective instruction, and replication
- Develop an afterschool program for at-risk, high-school aged youth designed to train participants in high-level computer-based skills
- Support small minority business efforts by providing pro-bono web development services to local shops and restaurants

Constituent Management eLearning Course


elearning course about constituent management and databases developed by corps member Colin Pizarek. Colin did all media creation and production work including all the graphics, animation, and audio recording of the narrative. Colin also developed the use of elearning tools at his host organization, Idealware.

Take the course here:…

Facebook VS Twitter eLearning Course


elearning course about using Facebook or Twitter developed by corps member Colin Pizarek. Colin did all media creation and production work including all the graphics, animation, and audio recording of the narrative. Colin also developed the use of elearning tools at his host organization, Idealware.

Take the course here:…

Marketing and Outreach

Community Partners
VISTA Name: 
Edward Gonzales
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

Edward has worked with members of the California Community Technology Policy Group (CCTPG) to engage underserved communities in discussion regarding the usage and impact of emerging technologies in their communities. Specific activities have included: Developing online tools to track data, policies, and reseach on technology access and use in low-income communities; Developing communications tools and systems to disseminate policy updates and action alerts; Disseminating the results of CCTPG research to community leaders for use in local negotiations on access to emerging technologies.

Project Outcome: 

- Edward has been key in revamping the communication strategies of CCTPG by helping develop the website and manage the Action Alerts and Newsletter communications to members.
- Edward has help in the research and production of Wired for Wireless? a report on Digital Inclusion and government-led wireless networks.
- Edward has developed new content for the CCTPG website – the content has addressed key issues related to community technology.
- Edward has been key in CCTPG’s outreach efforts by identifying new members and developing relationships with them.

CCTPG is a project within Community Partners. Community Partners has undergone a reassessment of the public relations and communications strategy. During this process, Edward has been key helping incorporate online tools to enhanse the public relations and communications strategy.

Marketing and Design

VISTA Name: 
Derek Maxwell
Program Start: 
Program End: 
Project Description: 

The VISTA member provided and assited with an array of services and programs, including direct training to youth participants, development of training manuals and materials, website design and development, community outreach and recruitment, development of program materials including brochures, posters, and mailers, as well as other administrative duties.

Project Outcome: 

Our VISTA member compiled a catalogue of past and present programs and descriptions, helped move our website to a new design based on open source Drupal software, helped set up web hosting with other non-profits, developed training manuals and materials, and taught a graphic design course to youth, which we had never done before here at PCTV.

Transmission Project