What is an Artifact?

It’s difficult sometimes to find a best practice. Instead, the Transmission Project seeks out examples of Honest Practice from the partners we work with and support. These intermediary and process documents probably won’t give you the answer you seek, but we hope they provide you with examples, building blocks and inspiration to help you develop your own individual practice.

Critique Wall for Website Redesign Feedback


A Critique Wall by corps member Caitlin Flint. Employees can walk by the wall and leave feedback and critique of her redesign of Healthy City’s website by writing on a post-it note and sticking it on the appropriate page.

Web Copy and Design


Web design and copy by corps member Devon Smolca for her computer donation project ‘L@TCH’.

Visit: http://www.everyfamilyconnected.org/

Article on the Importance of Radio in Disaster Situations

Prometheus Radio Project

An article on the importance of Community Radio Recovery in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake by corps member Brandy Doyle demonstrates the importance of having community radio in the United States.

Article on eLearning Software


An article explaining eLearning possibilities by corps member Colin Pizarek and Idealware’s Senior Editor, Chris Bernard.

Link to Article: http://www.idealware.org/articles/considering-elearning-software

Presentation to Board about Website Redesign


A presentation corps member Philip Dahl gave to PIFVA’s board of directors on their website redesign.

ACM Western Regional Conference Flyer


Flyers designed by corps member Ericha Hager for the ACM Western Regional Conference.

Citizen Press Corps Website


A website developed by corps member Brooke Brown-Saracino for her project, the Shires Media Citizen Press Corps.


Youth Program Application


An application created by corps member Molly Higgins for CAPAY’s YouthLearn Program.

Poster to Encourage Event Hashtagging


A poster created by corps member Carolyn Braunius to encourage the use of the #barnraising hashtag at the WGXC Radio Barnraising Event. The hashtagged media was then used to create a website with all crowdsourced content: www.mediasanctuary.tv

Transmission Project